(no subject)

Jun 05, 2020 20:11

Очень притчевая история
Не так ли мы все...

the whole island was bought to be used as a sheep ranch. Capitalism arrived on Easter Island. The tiny population of remaining Rapa Nui were moved into the town of Hanga Roa on the west coast. They were ordered to build a nine-foot stone wall around the town and were then told they were not allowed to go beyond this wall. Virtually, the whole island was now off-limits to them. The only way for the Rapa Nui to survive was to work on the sheep ranch, so that they could earn wages to buy food, where the only food they could buy was from a shop owned by their employer. They were effectively imprisoned labourers on their own island. The island now became home to many thousands of sheep who grazed its slopes for more than 60 years and this, more that anything the Rapa Nui had done, destroyed the last remaining trees and stripped the island of its topsoil.
Rapa Nui wasn’t the site of an ecological suicide as we’ve been led to believe, but the site of a genocide. Its unique and beautiful civilisation did collapse but it did so after contact with the outside world, and not before. The Easter Islanders didn’t foolishly damage their environment and bring about their downfall. In fact, they made their Island Garden flourish. They built one of the most remarkable visual cultures in the world through ingenuity and hard work and maintained peace on their island community. So when we reach for the Easter Island as a fable or warning about our future we should be very careful about what kind of fable we turn it into. As we move forward in facing the challenges of our own time, perhaps we should be asking not what warning we might take from the fate of Easter Island but what its people may have to teach us.

Обычно не перевариваю эти его сентенции, но на этот раз меня пробило.
Потому что очень важная мысль - и банальность, которая, к сожалению, так легко забывается.
Если человек хозяйствует на своей земле, он таки о ней как-то заботится, и заботится о том, чтобы передать ее своим детям - в идеале, в лучшем состоянии, чем нашел. У него могут быть разные представления о "лучшем состоянии", но он не превратит ее в бесплодную пустыню. По крайней мере, без отчаянной борьбы.
А если человек хозяйничает на чужой, то извините... This entry was originally posted at https://fish-n-lilies.dreamwidth.org/381999.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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