Jun 04, 2008 18:21
i hate spring
i hate summer
i hate pastel colors
i hate happy people
i hate soft music
i hate friends
i hate cute things
they all make me feel so depressed
like i'm no one
like i'm inferior
like only happiness matters
like my sorrow doesn't matter
they never last
that one second of happiness won't stay any longer
even if you try to hang on
they won't stay
and there's nothing you can do
they'll leave eventually
your friends, your pets, your family
you'll lose them in the end
but what i can do, now, is
laugh in that one second
enjoy myself in that one second
forget troubles in that one second
hug my friends in that one second
when it's time to go
i'll tell the world
"I'll be back
as a ghost
as a soul
as a shadow
as a memory
as another person
you might not recognize me
but that's okay
i will remember you"
so it's okay
to be sad
to be mad
to be lazy
to be an idiot
for a little while
people always tell you
"be good
change the world
help others
have respect
be polite
get good grades
be the best"
but what they don't know
is that it's not that easy
to be human
so slack off!
be free!
enjoy yourself!
because you won't have time to happy
if all you do is
work, work, work
to make the world a better place
the world will be a better place
when we are all happy
when we enjoy ourselves
so enjoy yourself while you can!
which is better
a world with sad people
or a world of happy folks?
you tell me