guess what, thanks to Mitsuhiko i found this fabulous website, it's a fabulous website for any native speaker of chinese who is learning japanese. =) i always feel like sharing, when i found something fabulous. yesterday we had english class, and i asked everyone to help me get a video done. altogether there are people from 5 different countries --- korean, german, columbia, polen and china. and i asked them to say 'happy chinese spring festival' in their native languages. everybody was just as excited as i was. cool. i still have to learn how to bring subtitle into the video file, cause otherwise my friends in china can't understand the german part.
recently i stick to boots and skirts. Good bye, jeans. well, i'm doing this not from aesthetic point of view or whatever, but because compared to jeans my body and i feel much much much more comfortable with the knit-pant/针织裤 under the skirt. btw skirts and boots are in, so 一石二鸟. Jeans are always too tight, and if they are not tight, they can't outline the curves. hihi, i pity males/男人 cause they can't wear skirt. oh, just kidding!
since i just have one pair of winter boots, i need to shop for another pair so this one pair won't go stinky. something happened when i was shopping for boots this afternoon. As i was trying one boot on, i had to zip it up. As i was zipping up, the liner-thing got caught/sandwiched in the zip, so when i was going to zip down and take my foot out of the boot, the zip just stuck at one point. after both gentle ways and violent ways failed, i had to resort to the salesclerk.
a shop assistant happened to show up in fron of me as i was struggling with the zip, so i asked for help. He came over and said: 'Stellen Sie sich hin bitte!' so i stood up, he squatted to help. all of a sudden, i felt like ... queen, servant... ehm a strange feeling. finally thanks to his unremitting trying i was freed.
at a certain time in our life we concentrate on certain stuff, at that moment, nothing was more important and nothing counted more than to free myself from that boot.