Oct 20, 2006 01:25
My father always said that it would stunt my growth, but at my height, I no longer saw a cause to worry about that. It was growing out that was the problem.(It still is growing out that is a problem if Matthews is right.) The scent proved itself enticing enough as these things go and everyone else at table was drinking it and seemed better to face the morning and the captain’s breakfast meeting for it.
Therefore, when it was offered me, I poured out my own cup of coffee, raised it to my lips and..
Lieutenant Bracegirdle still maintains that mouthful shot its way clear across the table, entirely too far by his amused recounting of the tale, and that he distinctly saw the Captain wipe it from his forehead. I think the man exaggerates a bit, but nonetheless, he did attempt to save the day.
“It’s a bit strong today I fear Mr. Hornblower.” He said, somehow managing a straight face, though his eyes sparkled with the sort of amusement that I normally cringe from when it is directed at me, save for if I’ve said or done something actually amusing.
In any case, no one else at table dared to laugh, and after Bracegirdle had added enough sugar to my cup, I found it more than bearable and quite good really, and I found that I could understand exactly why everyone loved it so.
In fact, I was well on my own way towards doing the same. These days I still love coffee, but this time I’m well prepared for how I like it best. Some people no doubt, think it disgusting, they wrinkle their noses, a few laugh, when I prepare my drink, but when it comes to coffee, I find I don’t care.
I like mine sweet, the more sugar the better, when it can be spared or I’ve obtained it. Sweetened to a syrup if I can manage it, is always good for me.