Drive by fic rec!

May 11, 2010 04:00

The fic I was betaing for sncross_bigbang has been posted! I haven't finished reading this version but I've been told that the edits between this and the last one I saw are minor and since I wanted to rec this even back before it was even finished, well, clearly it's time to rec!

Title: A Grand Sneer
Author: moragmacpherson
Artist: angelicfoodcake
Fandoms, etc.: Supernatural/Discworld, Gen, 35,379 words
Content: Language, smoking, drinking, sexual innuendo, action, adventure, absurdity, comedy, angst
Spoilers: Through "Sam, Interrupted," (5.11) for Supernatural, through Unseen Academicals for Discworld
Summary: While hunting in a library, Dean slips into L-space and runs all the way to the Discworld. Getting home is going to take a little more effort.
Pull Quote (reccer's choice): Dean had a lot of experience getting run out of town. This was a lot like that. But slower, and more chaotic, and while the wife of the chief of police had played a role in several previous incidents, it had never before been through directing the packing.
My Notes The character interactions, OMFG, the character interactions! EXCELLENT! moragmacpherson has a great grasp on how these characters would react to each other. The art is great too. Fun bit o' trivia-- my first really long comment on this story was with regards to a garderobe and Dean's reaction to it (look, it made sense at the time, I swear!). Another fun bit o' trivia-- what does it say about me* that I know what that is and yet dict (the dictionary command) doesn't?

*and moragmacpherson too

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recs not on recs comm, words, betaing, recs, discworld, supernatural

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