I really want to write angry meta right now, so here it is: Fucking stop erasing me, you fucking fuckers! I exist! Also, get fucking facts right, or at least a decent fucking estimate of the fucking percentages, you fucking dimwits!
There, angry meta out of the way.
Since making decisions when angry (even completely unrelated decisions) is such a good idea, I've decided to start actually crossposting between LJ and DW, comments enabled on both, and I've decided to import my pre-existing LJ (sans comments, because there was a kerfuffle earlier about that and I don't feel like thinking hard enough right now to make an educated decision. So lazy wins.) entries to DW.
Okay, that was a soothing task (there were radio buttons! And ticky boxes! I like radio buttons and ticky boxes!) I feel slightly less like yelling fuck repeatedly. So I'm taking myself off the internet for a bit. (Yelly meta post that is at least 2/3 words that aren't 'fuck' will be written. Just not now.)
Oh wait, one more detail from the import process:
I am amused, under status of import: "Icons-- Finished successfully as of Never". Methinks DW has a different dictionary than I do.
PS. What the fuck? 'Recumbent' is a mood but 'ranting' isn't? WTF. I can just see it now: Yes, I am feeling very lay-y down-y, I think I shall use the 'recumbent' mood.
PPS. I am currently reading my flist/dwircle (wtf is a good synonym for flist on DW? I think I might keep using 'flist', I like how the word sounds.) on both LJ and DW, so if I am currently stalking you both places I might change that. Or I might not. I'm angried out at the moment, so evidently my impetus for making small decisions is gone
PPPS. Going and this time I mean it.
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