Status of cliche_bingo work:
Mindgames 1, Fish 0
Which means I need a kick in the pants at actually putting words on the page. So I'm declaring this next week (until the 15th) to be the Belated First Anniversary of Fish's Fandominess**, which is to be celebrated by anyone (and everyone! If you lurk or accidentally wandered over to my bit of sea when trying to find Nessie [hint: you want Scotland] you are welcome to play too!) giving me a prompt to write something shortish. And I will then write something***.
The prompt should be in the form of a character or two and a prompt/keyword-thingy. A list of fandoms I play in can be found [
in my profile]. And if one of the prompts strikes your fancy, feel free to write something, more fic is always a good thing! I will write something for all of them, eventually. (How eventually depends on how many prompts.) I'll write them in the first-bunny-first-served sort of way.
**Dated from the creation of an identity via this journal
**And quite possibly it will be the First Belated Anniversary as well, given my promptness in calendrical matters :P
**Hehee, I have multiple footnotes with the same symbol! I am a stylistic rebel! Boo-ya!
***This will show my mind that it is totally okay to write short things. And to write things that aren't perfect jewels. And that a blank screen is not actually intimidating. And that a screen full of notes and jottings-down is not a sign of failure just because it isn't a fic yet. And that self-imposed deadlines (which I consider the voluntary joining of a fic prompt community challenge to be) should not cause me to gibber+. And all of this is useless baggage that is decidedly not helping me to write the stories I want to write. So I shall throw the baggage out! ++
+In fact, gibbering in the face of any deadline is usually not at all useful. Just as a sidenote. In case you were wondering. :)
++I'm sorry to some extent at filling up your flist with this, but (a) you are getting a mini-prompt-fest out of it, (b) this is my journal and I feel the need to vent this. And it does feel a bit better to see it in print. Formulating the mindgames makes them easier to defeat, for me. +++
+++But Fish, you might say, you've been spewing words onto our flist about cliche_bingo for a while now! Clearly you aren't blocked? And I say, 'Yeah, but many of them were actually a way of talking about the stories without actually writing. Yes, I know that makes no sense but c.f. earlier comment about mindgames. *siiiigh*'
ETA: timeline clarified.