So for the past day I've been occasionally pulling up my internet browser or my text editor (usually I save fics to read offline as text files) going 'hmmm, wasn't there a fic I wanted to finish reading? I think it was Supernatural? And funny/sweet (versus the massive amount of well-written angst!doom!horror!spn)?' only to stare blankly at my computer screen once I realised that the fic I was thinking of [
was a plot bunny I had thought of] and the reason that I haven't finished reading it yet is that I haven't yet written it! *facepalm of fail* (And yet I spent most of today's daydreaming time on an entirely different SPN fic idea, which was supposed to be how Bobby might feel if someone else became as/more important than him as an info/resource-source to the Winchesters, which is for *no good purpose (other than me wanting to get Bobby angry. And also possibly to cross over with the stargate verse for no apparent reason)* but it kept derailing itself into an action-adventure story. There are Go'uld! Or Ori! Or tigerbaears! And they must go hunting them RIGHT NOW and let's ignore Bobby's mulling over family and place and relationships and mentors. Because there are liontigers to fight!)
All of which goes to show that I am completely incapable of carrying on any sort of series of thoughts at the moment.
But I kind of really do want to know what happens next in that Supernatural fic (not the Bobby-tigerlions one, the other one.) so I might write that one. If my complete mental disorganisation permits me.
I don't even know.
Look, if you find my brain out wandering, please send it back to Fishlandia posthaste? I kind of miss it.
PS. I wrote an absolutely lovely (and timely) ficlet for
pixiequeen10thk on the way home today. Only I wrote it in my head and my brain leaked it out my ears.
PPS. FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY (i am told incoherence can be fatal) I AM TAKING AWAY MY LAPTOP FROM MYSELF FOR THE REST OF THE DAY AND POSSIBLY LONG INTO THE WEEKEND.I might give it back to myself with the wireless card removed if I can show that I am on good behaviour and will actually write fic or otherwise be a productive member of any piscine race.