I have a cliche bingo card *yay* This makes me kind of insanely excited. But now I'm also feeling little bits of insecurity (what if I'm not good enough? What if...blahblahblah.) I've decided I'm not going to justify those thoughts with writing down. (There's a difference between 'honest assessment of skills or lack thereof' and 'poor ego'. The
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Oooh, fun! I see that I shall have to wait 'til it becomes untangled :)
It's so much fun to think about!
Yeah, but oddly, I'm finding it really hard to come up with something to write about for this one. I thought it would be one of the easier ones, but it's being more intractable than even the genderswap one (which I figure I can always just go for comedy on). *sighs* I think it is because traditions are so very important to me that I'm having trouble breaking the concept up into something that isn't v.v.v. long (I think there is probably a story somewhere in my subconscious that deals with this topic but that I don't yet know is there). And for this topic I keep going to the SGA boys and so much has already been written on them with respect to this. There's the big obvious things (from military remembrance rituals to team movie night), but the little things are also important (and I think often overlooked), but I'm coming up dry on those too *pout* The only thought I've had so far that I've liked is to do some sort of interwoven drabbling thing that illustrates the depth and history of the folks making up the Lantean Expedition. But that would require more plotting work than a single story, which I'm finding rather intimidating. Sorry, I seem to have thought-out-loud at you.
All these clichés do provide good food for thought (or for plot bunnies...).
*nods* Tis a good challenge, I think.
Would you like an html table version of your card for future linkage?
Thinkingthoughts: Oooh... I was planning on coding it up myself once I had a story to post (I even have two different templates to work from), but you've offered... And you are busy, so I shouldn't distract you! But sometimes coding is soothing....
Answer:If it wouldn't be a burden on your time, it would be quite nice. If not, I can always do it myself later.
I already did the code-y bits for mine, so 'tis but a few moments. And table codes are always good practice for me since I am forever mixing up my [tr]s and [td]s.
Heavens to Betsy! *gasp* *horrors*
I am having similar problems, in that a lot of my ideas are rather long-winded and therefore not likely to get done in a timely fashion.
And this is why we are thankful for the notepad/computer file where we jot down ideas.
And current absurd idea: I was at work reading [horribly boring tome of better-written-than-expected-but-honestly-why-do-I-care] and I thought to myself, 'Self, do you know what would be awesome?' And I said back, 'Yes? An Aero bar?' And then I contradicted myself with, 'No! Well, yes, but irrelevant. I was thinking of Hermione (HP) & Dean (Supernatural) for the "pretending to be married" prompt' And then I proceeded to look at my brain in oddness. And then it chimed in with 'And and and! Let's make Sam (D's younger brother) somehow kidified and then it all makes sense' I feel rather like my muse is doing some vigourous handwaving whilst someone else is trying to make off with the silverware or something. I have a feeling if I can actually find a plot to this one (currently the plot is '... and snarky hijinks...') I might hit up something like ten different cliches. *siiiiigh* We'll see what I think after sleeping on it.
And LadyCat asked for Merlin recs, so there are various Merlin fics/rec list links over here: http://ladycat777.livejournal.com/1050570.html?style=mine
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