help_pakistan - Inception offers

Aug 23, 2010 23:46

Help Pakistan Auction: Inception-Related Items

I'm sure many of you have heard, but just in case...

As of August 16, 2010, the flooding in Pakistan has displaced over 20 million people; 6 million of these people have not yet received any aid. The community help_pakistan is holding an auction, much like the one that was held for Haiti, to raise money to help Pakistan recover from these horrible floods. Please join the community and direct all your questions about donations and how you can help over there.

The help_pakistan fandom auction is offering many different items for bid: fan and original fiction, artwork (both fanart and original), mixes, podfics, beta services, actual items, and more. The auction covers a wide range of fandoms; you can check the Delicious account for the offerings being made in your chosen fandom.

At the link is a list of all the current offers being made in the "Inception" fandom. They're organized by donator, and include the type of offer, stipulations (ie pairings they will/won't write), and link to their bidding thread.

Please take a look and see if there's anything you'd be interested in bidding on! There is a fantastic number of writers, artists, and other Inception fans with offers up.

Over 60 items up for auction here.

Posted with mod permission. Cross-posted practically everywhere - sorry if this shows up multiple times on your flist!


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