(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 00:43


i hate sick, and with my stupid sensitive nose its not fun at all. i feel like i am having to sit completely still to get the sick to go to sleep. then i can walk around until it 'wakes' up and thus i am confined again. if i am stuck watching daytime television tomorrow im gonna be sad.

while i was out of town my grandmother asked me a question i had to ponder about for a little while. i truly did't have a good answer for her at the time. her statement "You are 1/2 white and 1/2 mexican. You seem to embrace your mexican side more, is that true and why?" I initially told her that I embrace both but the mexican culture is more interesting. Its something I have been thinking about since and now I know why its more interesting. Its because when I was born until I was about 17...I lived white. Up until middle school I was for the most part the only spanish type at all in my classes. When my parents divorced, I lived with my white mother. There was no mexican stuff on television except for telenovelas. C'mon telenovelas! sheesh.
Also in a little more searching through my brain, my happiest times were at my grandmothers in South Texas during those years when my parents were seperated and divorcing. I think those years and that location were the last of any security and just happy feelings for me. So maybe smelling some good chorizo reminds me of that.
Speaking of mexican, I bought Viva Pinata and took it to Aaron's last night. My own 360 will be purchased soon (before Army of 2!) but I couldnt wait for it and I knew he prob wouldnt buy this game. It seems alot like animal crossing except your role is raising animals insterad of being one. It was cute but this sicky sick feeling had me early. Aaron said he was up til 3am with it. Sounds like it has some sort of playing stay.
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