Dec 11, 2008 17:59
It pays to be cute and friendly.
At my new job, I spend the majority of my time talking with the residents and otherwise being bored. I've only been here a week, but the residents still talk to me as if we were friends, which is nice, given that I don't have a whole lot else to do once the office folk leave for the day. I wouldn't say that I'm exactly friends with the residents who spend the most time talking with me, but I'm as close to that with them as is allowed with my job. We talk, we bullshit, and we get along, more or less. One resident, this evening, decided to buy me a piece of fruit while he was at the store. He said that he thought I'd enjoy it and that it would do me good to have something healthy to eat while I was working. I'm not exactly supposed to accept gifts such as this, but at the same time, I haven't been told that I'm not allowed to accept such items. Said piece of fruit was a red pear, perfectly ripe. Me thinks that it pays to be friendly, and being cute probably helps here too.
If only my job were more exciting than it is.