another week...all is in bloom...and today my allergies kicked into high gear.
sure, it's pretty out. pretty friggin' hot. it hit 80 this weekend and I'm
not ready for it. but we are two weeks from heading to WI, so cooler weather
is on the way.
Monday the 29th
work site
Tuesday the 30th
work site.
Wednesday the 31st
oh, bad - supremely bad work afternoon with the boss's boss's boss. Not good.
but Pisgah was good, Pisgah Pale was good, and the sun was calming.
Thursday the 1st
giving blood day - everybody should do it - nag nag nag.
Friday the 2nd
home. sunny, 79 degrees, indoor-outdoor pups.
Saturday the 3rd
went to a farm anniversary with K., we held baby chicks, K. rode a pony named
Charley,and delicious local organic free-range beef was had on the grill...first
grilling of the year.
Sunday the 4th
artwork for the newly painted kitchen - based on the Lucinda poster (see last week)