New Week. New Game. No Name.

Jun 16, 2008 16:02

As we head into our Quizzo evening (working on that ever-challenging team name)...I leave YOU with a few questions we did NOT get right last week. (and can you blame us? well, yes, on the geography questions perhaps).

MILK round

Name both living species of animal that lays eggs and gives milk.

A gallon of milk weights approximately how many pounds (within 1/4 lb)?

The Milk River empties into the Missouri River. But before it does it travels 600 miles through which state?

The Pacific round

Name the world's second largest island is in the South Pacific - it is the home to all or part of two nations.

Name the hip-hop group made up of 5 Samoan-American brothers with Albums named: New Funky Nation and Occupation Hazardous.

The "Cafe Pacific" airline is based in what nation?


What feature in Windows XP is turned on by hitting the shift key quickly five times?

What is the name of the gooey paste made from Taro Root?

Name the drug store chain that introduced, 3 years ago, a seniors friendly program named "living more"?

downtown, trivia

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