May 15, 2006 23:36
In the Grove: food units 10, money spent too much, dinner w. friends 1, instructional videos bought 1, rooms cleaned and stuff put away 1, baskets of give-away items 2.
In attempt to make all crap fit, have gotten rid of over two baskets full of material goods lying around room at parents. Room is still bursting at seams. Can barely close drawers (how did it all fit before?????) but have reorganized closet and even got rid of four (!) pairs of shoes. Useless crap still everywhere, but cannot bear to part with more. Will continue with purge tomorrow.
Took dogs for two walks each today. Went to dinner w. Kristen (YAY!) and then off to Target to purchase Belly Dance for Dummies, or something to that effect. Only danced 30 minutes, as had to first clean room to make room to dance, but already am sore. Cannot wait to dance more tomorrow.
If cannot tell, am back in the Grove. Ready, aim, marry me. Was missing Champaign before even left. BUT in 13 days, will be in southern IL to dig ALL SUMMER. Am stoked. Just wish there was some warm weather here before leave for the summer.
Oh, and digital camera is back and fully functioning. Am going out on photography adventure tomorrow, after more dancing, walking the dogs, and possibly a run. Am going to make the most of time here, not sit on fat ass as per usual when staying at the parentals.