I am totally overusing my Prison Mike icon today, but anyway, I had to use it, because I am linking you all to the greatest Office fanart in the history of the world.
Check it out. If that doesn't make you a Michael/Ryan fan, then you're crazy. It's by my lovely
tinted_glass, by the way. And yes, I have just claimed her as mine, because I'm greedy like that.
So, for some reason, yesterday I got this incredibly huge yearning to watch Boson Public again. Not sure why. I guess it was that article about DEK and Boston Legal, which got me to thinking that DEK pulled the same crap on Boston Public but I loved that show anyway too. But I only watched the first 2 seasons, because I was so in love with Guber/Davis, and Lauren Davis just disappeared when season 3 came and I was so incredibly angry because they had spent all that time developing the Guber/Davis romance, and right when they got together, she left. GRRRRRR! Yeah, that pissed me off, and season 3 was horrid, so I stopped watching. And now I want to relive the Guber/Davis awkwardness again. And dudes, I had such a HUGE crush on Guber that it's crazy. I even watched Silence of the Lambs the first time for him. The fact that he was on the finale of Boston Legal probably helped in making me want to watch Boston Public again. So I've been downloading the season 1 torrent for the past *checks* 19 hours and 5 minutes. And it says that it only has 3 hours left, but I don't believe it. Hopefully it's not lying to me. The season 2 torrent was available too, so I'll probably download that one later. Those were the only torrents available, so I'm thinking that I'm not the only one who stopped watching after season 2.
And then I got to thinking about Ally McBeal because DEK was involved in that too, and because I'm in Iron Man mode, I started thinking about RDJ as Larry Paul and how much I loved him with Ally and that he was the one guy other than John Cage that I was okay with her ending up with. Sadly, I didn't get my wish on either account. :'( But now I want to watch Ally McBeal again, too. Damn it, why are these shows not on DVD? What the hell? Why is Boston Legal the only DEK show that is on DVD? I really wish season 8 of The Practice was on DVD too, so that I could see the beginning of Alan and Denny's friendship, plus people say that Alan was much darker on The Practice, so I really want to see that. I never cared for The Practice though, so I'm not interested in the earlier seasons, just the one with my Spader (and yes, I have just claimed James Spader as mine. Did you forget that I was greedy like that?)
Also, I'm nearing the end of season 2 of The West Wing, and I'm falling even more in love with Josh/Donna. So it took me awhile, but I am finally getting into them. They don't make me melt the way CJ and Toby do simply by looking at each other, but they do make me all giggly and turn me into a teenager again. But CJ/Toby, man, I love them. Obviously I prefer ships that contain more subtext than canon. Josh/Donna could easily get on my nerves, and if it was any other show they probably would, but this show is so well written that the characters share just the right amount of deep moments to cancel out the annoying high school nature of their relationship. And... well, Josh's constant jealousy over Donna making any mention of a boyfriend kills me, and his annoyance at her trying to get him to ask out Joey was so darn adorable and I love that he was so bothered by her not being jealous, and his face when Joey told him that Donna liked him and was trying to hide it with misinformation made me squee, and then the whole anniversary thing with the flowers was awesome. So yeah, they've grown on me. But CJ/Toby is so full of smoldering looks and complete understanding of each other and I just can't get enough of them. I could easily just watch a show about CJ and Toby's friendship (that teeters on them totally wanting to do each other but for some unexplained reason they hold back). Gah, I love this show.