*sigh* It happened. I have a new obsession.

May 14, 2008 15:33

So, you know how you all kept telling me how wonderful The West Wing was and that I should watch it and I was all skeptical because I have no interest in politics and I didn't like it when it was actually on?  Well... thank you for convincing me, because OMG, I LOVE THIS SHOW!  I'm only what, 8 years too late?  I miss half of what's going on because it moves so fast, but that doesn't seem to affect my enjoyment level, mostly because I'm busy drooling over Sam Seybolt Seaborn. [EDIT: I now realize where I got Seybolt from.  Apparently even when I'm watching another show, Life is still on my brain.  Once again, I blame Damian's hotness].  Oh, his innocent obliviousness kills me!  I love him!  Why are all the ladies going after Josh and not Sam?  That's just... wrong.  No, Josh is cool too, but he's all cynical and temperamental, and I seem to like my men obnoxiously oblivious.  Sam isn't obnoxious though, just oblivious and naive.  I LOVE HIM!  Also, Josh/Donna is adorable and I have to rewind their scenes and watch them again every time simply because their banter is so quick, so I'm enjoying them (and they definitely remind me of Tony/Pepper), but I have to say, I don't think they are my OTP.  I'm only 4 episodes in, but the pairing that is making me all squishy inside?  C.J/Toby.  Please tell me I'm not imaging things!  Toby keeps looking at her like he's madly in love with her, but she seems to be totally unaware.  Do I have hope?  Or is this another non-existent ship that I've conjured up?  I don't think my heart can take another non-existent ship.  Also, Martin Sheen is awesome.  I now understand why he won all those Emmys (or was nominated for them anyway.  Did he win some?  Because he should have).

I must make a mention of young Dule Hill.  For some reason I completely forgot that he had gotten his start on The West Wing, so when I saw him I had a fangirl spazz-out and was all, "OMG, BABY GUS!  BABY GUS!!!!"  He was SO YOUNG!  And so darn adorable.  I just wanted to hug him.  I love how scared he was of everyone, and he actually made me tear up a bit when he looked all hurt when the President snapped at him. :(  And then in the next ep he's struttin' his stuff next to the President and looking all adorable and telling him about the tone of the first lady's voice when she was telling him that he had to take his back medication.  Oh, I love him!

Also, so many actors from other shows are popping up and looking way too young.  Cuddy from House (I think I just don't like her acting style, because I'm not fond of her in this show either), the girl who played the first Naomi in the non-pilot of Private Practice (I don't think I like this girl's acting style either, because I found her to be just as crappy in this as she was in PP and the little bit that I saw of Alias), and the girl from The Cutting Edge (who looks older, because The Cutting Edge was made in the early 90s.  I like her in this, whereas in The Cutting Edge I wanted to strangle her).  I'm sure there were more.  Anyway, it's just weird seeing all these people pop up.  I had no idea so many people were on The West Wing.  Actually, the only ones I that I always knew were on there were Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, and the guy that plays Josh.

Anyway, the first 40 slots on my netflix queue are all filled with The West Wing DVDs, so expect much more obsessing, especially if I get some lovely CJ/Toby and Josh/Donna moments.  I'll be so sad once I get to the end though since the show isn't on anymore.  This is the first completely finished American show that I've gotten into where I wasn't into it when it was actually being aired.

fictional love machine: sam seaborn, ship: josh/donna, show: psych, show: the west wing, ship: cj/toby

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