Title: The Unexpected Miracle Fandom: The Office Pairing: Kandy Rating: PG Summary: Kelly finds a savior in the last person that she would ever expect Note: Written for
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Andy raised his eyebrow, scoffed and said, “Uh, yeah! Got it the first day.”
“Oh my god, so did I! I have Justified too, and like, every single N’SYNC CD there is.”
“Yeah, who doesn’t? Those guys are musical geniuses.”
“Totally!” Okay, so maybe Andy wasn’t as weird as Kelly had thought he was.
Haha! I love that the fact that Andy owning every album Justin Timberlake has ever been involved in is what makes Kelly think he isn't weird. Peas in a pod, these two!
I also completely adored Andy's trials with the soda machine. And, aw, Kelly to the rescue!
Thanks so much, I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! And I'm so relieved that the whole Justin Timberlake thing worked. I was pretty much just making myself giggle with the whole "Those guys are musical geniuses," part. Thanks again for reviewing, I appreciate it!
Awwww, that's so sweet! I love the whole idea of Andy & Kelly rocking out together to some J.T. :D As well as Andy owning pretty much every NSYNC & Justin Timberlake CD. HAHAHA.
And Andy looking all defeated with his wrinkly old dollar bill was just about the cutest thing ever. I wanted to give him a hug!
This was great, babe! I hope you'll write more Kandy fics soon :D
Oh, thanks so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! The part with Andy and the wrinkly dollar bill was my favorite part to write, especially the hug! *squeeee* I am so in love with Ed Helms that it's sad. I seriously can't get enough of the man. And I'm glad the N'SYNC part worked!
I'm working on another Kandy fic at the moment, and it's pretty huge compared to this one, but I'm not sure if I like it. It's a bit different, not sure if I've made it believable or not. I guess I'll post it, but it probably sucks.
Anyway, thanks so much for reviewing, I appreciate it!
Andy raised his eyebrow, scoffed and said, “Uh, yeah! Got it the first day.”
“Oh my god, so did I! I have Justified too, and like, every single N’SYNC CD there is.”
“Yeah, who doesn’t? Those guys are musical geniuses.”
“Totally!” Okay, so maybe Andy wasn’t as weird as Kelly had thought he was.
I know this was already quoted, but it's so funny and perfect. Hee. And I also loved picturing Andy going all limp and puppety to imitate that N'Sync video. And his mini-meltdown. (Oh, Andy, you poor, angry dude.) This was great.
Aww, thank you so much! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! And I'm so happy that I got that dialogue right. Thanks again for reviewing, I appreciate it!
HA HA HA HA. I love your Kelly & Andy voices. Once again, you've hit the mark... love everything about this. You've given me the motivation to finally get off my ass and work on my own story for the ficathon (and of course it will be Kandy!!!) ;)
Oh yay! I can't wait to read it! I absolutely adored your last Kandy fic. Thanks so much for commenting, I'm glad that you enjoyed this little one-shot!
Comments 21
(So much better than peach iced tea!!) Nice job!
(Who doesn't love Kandy?)
Andy raised his eyebrow, scoffed and said, “Uh, yeah! Got it the first day.”
“Oh my god, so did I! I have Justified too, and like, every single N’SYNC CD there is.”
“Yeah, who doesn’t? Those guys are musical geniuses.”
“Totally!” Okay, so maybe Andy wasn’t as weird as Kelly had thought he was.
Haha! I love that the fact that Andy owning every album Justin Timberlake has ever been involved in is what makes Kelly think he isn't weird. Peas in a pod, these two!
I also completely adored Andy's trials with the soda machine. And, aw, Kelly to the rescue!
This was incredibly cute. :D
And Andy looking all defeated with his wrinkly old dollar bill was just about the cutest thing ever. I wanted to give him a hug!
This was great, babe! I hope you'll write more Kandy fics soon :D
I'm working on another Kandy fic at the moment, and it's pretty huge compared to this one, but I'm not sure if I like it. It's a bit different, not sure if I've made it believable or not. I guess I'll post it, but it probably sucks.
Anyway, thanks so much for reviewing, I appreciate it!
Andy raised his eyebrow, scoffed and said, “Uh, yeah! Got it the first day.”
“Oh my god, so did I! I have Justified too, and like, every single N’SYNC CD there is.”
“Yeah, who doesn’t? Those guys are musical geniuses.”
“Totally!” Okay, so maybe Andy wasn’t as weird as Kelly had thought he was.
I know this was already quoted, but it's so funny and perfect. Hee. And I also loved picturing Andy going all limp and puppety to imitate that N'Sync video. And his mini-meltdown. (Oh, Andy, you poor, angry dude.) This was great.
HA HA HA HA. I love your Kelly & Andy voices. Once again, you've hit the mark... love everything about this. You've given me the motivation to finally get off my ass and work on my own story for the ficathon (and of course it will be Kandy!!!) ;)
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