Hello, my lovelies!

Apr 17, 2011 21:01

I have been getting defriended left and right lately, so clearly I haven't been posting enough. Or else I am just REALLY BORING. It's probably the latter. So I will just make you all suffer through more of my inane rambling to see what kind of exodus ensues.

First things first, meme! It's that one where you comment if you want me to ask you five questions and then post the answers in your journal. dollsome asked me these five very hard-hitting questions:

1. Which ship has the kind of relationship that you would most like to have yourself one day

Now, see, this one was hard because, as I looked through my list of ships, I realized that very few of them ever get together. There's Betty/Armando from Betty la Fea, but they had this really unhealthy relationship full of angst and control issues and it is just insane, but I find their love to be so damn beautiful despite its ugliness. Which I guess is kind of the point of the show? But yeah, not the best relationship to model my life after! Even though they are super cute and very much in love once they get past all the angst and deceit. And I've always wanted to live in a romcom where I fall in love with my boss and he sees through my clumsiness and frumpiness and I drive him INSANE with my failtastic womanly wiles. IF ONLY.

But yeah, if we're talking realism here, I want a love like Virginia and Burt's from Raising Hope. They've been together since they were fifteen and they still find each other to be wicked hot, and they know how to deal with each other's flaws in very productive ways, and they just love the crap out of each other. They are two goofballs who know that they aren't perfect, and they don't even have the ambition to try to be perfect. They love who they are and they love each other and they love where they are in life, even though nothing really turned out how they had planned it. I love them.

I also wouldn't mind a love like Marshall and Lily's from HIMYM. Or Cam/Mitchell from Modern Family. Or, blast it, the married version of Jim and Pam from The Office. If you want to go literary, then I'd choose William Monk and Hester Latterly from Anne Perry's Inspector Monk series, because they went from frenemies to partners to best friends to lovers, and it was beautiful and perfect and I love how they really fell in love with each other's intellect more than anything else.

2. What is your stance on that fine and classy songstress, Ke$Ha?

Ha, I don't know! I'm not going to listen to her on a normal basis, but I find her songs catchy and fun, and the people who turn their noses up at her are just... weird. She is not an artist that should be taken seriously. She's just having fun and making money. I admit that the first time I saw her/heard her (it was on Conan, actually. Or, it might have been when he was hosting The Tonight Show), I was like, "What in the world..." but by the end of the song I found her totally charming. My favorite song is by far Your Love is My Drug. I particularly love the chorus. It is no surprise that this is probably her most tame song. BUT I LOVE IT KIND OF A LOT.

3. If you could pick any two people to star in a romcom together, who would you go for?

Well, I still have my heart set on Robert Downey Jr. and Tina Fey starring in a film together, but I'm not too sure how they'd do with a romcom. I think they'd do better with like a buddy cop film or something where the romance is mostly subtext until the end. I guess my real answer is Sandra Bullock and Colin Firth, because they are my two favorite romcom actors, and yet they've never starred in anything together (but I fear that their chemistry wouldn't be as awesome as the pairing of Sandra and Hugh Grant, and that would just bum me out). Also, ever since there were rumors about a My Fair Lady remake, my dream casting has been Keira Knightley as Eliza Doolittle and Colin Firth as Henry Higgins. Just... it would be epic. I think Keira has been the choice for Eliza, but no one's ever even mentioned Colin when thinking about Henry Higgins, which is just ridiculous, because the man is basically made for the role. SERIOUSLY, HE WOULD ROCK IT. And I think he's the only dude who I could ever accept as a substitute for Rex Harrison.

Also, I want to see Anthony Head and Katie McGrath star in their own romcom together. And Anthony Head with Sarah Michelle Gellar. YEAH, I HAVE NO SHAME. Let's add Maggie Lawson and Timothy Omundson to the list while we're at.

Oh, oh, and if we go into Korean dramas, I so desperately want a romcom between Kim Seung Woo and Bae Doo Na where they actually GET TOGETHER. Seriously, man, two dramas where they almost but not quite have a romance? NOT COOL MAN, NOT COOL.

With promo pics like that, you'd think they were the romance, right? RIGHT? AUGH, I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER, HOW TO MEET A PERFECT NEIGHBOR!

And if I can't get that, then I want Kim Seung Woo and Kim So Yeon. Basically I want Kim Seung Woo/Anyone. I JUST WANT MORE KIM SEUNG WOO IN MY LIFE.

Also, Yoon Eun Hye and Park Shin Yang should star in something together, just because I love them both like crazy, and despite PSY's age, he seems to often be paired with girls that are as young as YEH, so, MAKE IT HAPPEN, UNIVERSE. He could be her quirky boss! Or... mentor, or something (I think I just want a happy version of Sign, but with Yoon Eun Hye in the mix). Or how about Yoon Eun Hye and Lee Min Ho? (this seems far more plausible, but not quite as awesome)

4. Would you rather live in a world where Oscar and Andy hooked up, or where Uther is NOT Morgana's dad and they can go on having inappropriate chemistry forever?

AAAAAAAAAAH, EVIL. I... I'm going to say I want to live in a world where Oscar and Andy actually got to hook up, because there was a time when I wanted that so very badly. And the chemistry between Uther and Morgana will always be inappropriate, familial or not! But yeah, I would have much preferred that Uther was NOT her father, so that I could go on being convinced that they were secret lovers. BAH! DAMN IT, MAYBE I CHOOSE THIS. AUGH, I DON'T KNOW. This is hard. (that's what she said)

5. What is your favourite kind of weather? (THAT'S not a boring question! Like, points if you can somehow make your answer extremely exciting, thus camouflaging the incredible lameness of the question.)

Ahahahaha, I will try! I think my favorite kind of weather is when it's cool but not cold, like 50 degrees, maybe? And the sun is out and the leaves are full of color and you can really smell the trees (it's like a fireplace, but without the heat!). I don't quite know why that's my favorite, it just always has been. It's peaceful, and it always reminds me of my childhood for some reason. My second favorite (I know you didn't ask, but I'm telling you anyway!) is that first springy day after a long winter (not that we have long winters here, but I've become spoiled, you see, and apparently 2-3 months of temperatures below 50 is just TOO MUCH). It just feels great to be able to walk outside without needing a jacket for the first time in months. And people always whip out their lawnmowers on the first sign of spring, so you get that fresh cut grass smell, too. The downside of spring though is that all the birds are back, and they like to sit on my window sill early in the morning and screech their little hearts out, and this stupid STUPID woodpecker returns to peck on the aluminum siding all around the house, and he'll go from our house to three other houses, back and forth, and he'll do this bright and early just to tick me off. He pecks the part of the wall that is right above my head. THE LITTLE BASTARD. I hate that damn bird. I'm ready to hire a bird assassin so that I can finally be rid of that thing. You would think after all these years that the stupid bird would learn that our house isn't wooden. AUGH.

In other news, I spent most of my free time this week watching The Last Scandal. It was utterly hilarious and adorable and I am now in mad love with Jung Joon Ho. I thought he was super handsome in IRIS, but his character was such a douche that I had trouble loving him, but now? OMG, LOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE. He was perfection in Last Scandal. And so was the lead actress. And I adored the second lead guy, too. Basically I loved everything about Last Scandal.

Okay, gotta go. Game of Thrones is about to start! I haven't read the books, but I feel like I have since so much of my f-list has been talking about them lately.

ship: uther/morgana, love machine: kim seung woo, love machine: colin firth, obscurity: asian dramas, ship: andy/oscar, meme

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