I hate you for making me fall so deeply in love with you only to crush my entire soul to pieces with the finale. WHAT WAS THAT? I CAN'T... WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY, SHOW? DID YOU HAVE TO GO THERE? OMG, HATE HATE HATE. HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU? I cried my eyes out, and spent a lot of the ep being confused, and not because I don't understand Korean. I mean, I don't understand Korean, but I knew what was happening, and it just didn't compute. Why, why, why build up something so lighthearted and beautiful only to end it in the harshest way possible? Just... GOD, SHOW, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME? Goddammit, this is why I need to not stray from the romcoms, because I get super attached to a romance in the suspense genre and it just ends up hurting me. And I find it weird that it's the romances in that genre that I get so crazy about, because the shows aren't actually about the romance, but I guess since the romances tend to be more subtle I latch onto them stronger? I don't know. But I always get burned, because the only Korean dramas that end happily are the romcoms. But see, the romances in Sign were totally being treated like they were romcom romances, so can you blame me for expecting a happy, super cute ending? WHAT THE HELL, MAN? WHAT THE HELL? This entire episode baffled and devastated me, and I had been looking forward to seeing it all damn day. AUGH. That just wasn't cool. Not at all. I hate it when a drama is so freaking fantastic all the way through until it gets to the last episode, and it all goes to hell. Well, actually, this ep was really well done, I just hated that the story went where it had to go. It made the overall message of the show very effective, but damn it, MY HEART. MY POOR, POOR HEART. WHO DOES THAT?
Shoot, I spent my entire week watching and rewatching this show obsessively, and now it's kind of soured. I guess I can just forget that episode 20 exists? I can't. I'll always watch with the knowledge that it doesn't end the way I wanted it to end. God, I was even going to picspam the crap out of this show on my next day off, because I love it so tremendously and wanted to share the pretty, but now? I'm in mourning. DAMN IT, SHOW. DAMN IT!
I can't believe they killed the main character. SERIOUSLY, WHO KILLS OFF THEIR MAIN CHARACTER BEFORE THE STORY IS EVEN OVER? WTF? I seriously could not believe it. I kept expecting him to wake up Romeo and Juliet style and be like, "Haha, GOTCHA!" I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF. DAMN IT, JI HOON, NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T DO THAT. I could maybe understand if he did it for a loved one, but no, this was some random dude that he didn't even know. But, yeah, it was about his dedication to science and justice and blah blah blah HOW COULD HE DO THAT? HOW COULD HE LEAVE BEHIND DA KYUNG? He clearly had plans to move things forward with her, but then he goes and purposefully gets himself killed. He doesn't even do it halfway like one would expect. I thought Da Kyung would burst into the room before Seo Young suffocated him, but... AUGH, HOW COULD THE SHOW DO THAT? HOW? I wanted my happy ending. I don't want to think about Da Kyung without Ji Hoon in her life. It was sweet that in the end he was still with her in spirit, but that's really not going to fly in the long run. And it kind of kills me how she wasn't angry with him for what he did. She understood him completely, just like always, and it made her love him even more. DAMN IT, SHOW. DAMN IT!!! After all the adorableness of episode 19, after warming us up for Ji Hoon to finally make his move on Da Kyung, IT ALL ENDS. *cries* I have never been so devastated over the ending of anything before. Augh, I can't believe the show did that. The autopsy part was especially hard to watch, especially seeing him with the sutures in his neck. Oh, my heart. I have no idea how Da Kyung was able to stay so professional about it. And then the killing scene. I like how positively disturbing it was to see it through the home movie POV as opposed to the more stylistic view that we usually see the killings in (and it actually switched between the two views, which I think made the home movie version all the more disturbing). Augh, that ending, it is still breaking my heart.
Hmph, I don't even want to rewatch this ep when the subs come out. *sniffles* Let's just remember the good times for now.
Damn you, show! DAMN YOU! I just looked at the Soompi thread for this drama and saw that I'm not the only devastated one. SERIOUSLY, SHOW, HOW COULD YOU? I think this is still one of my top favorite dramas ever, though. It's right up there with IRIS, and, well, IRIS kind of ended badly, too. Most k-dramas end badly. But at least with Sign the ending was actually really well done from a plot standpoint, but I just... hated it. AUGH.