Okay, you know that post I made last night
where I ranted about Vampire Diaries fanvids? Well, this vid took everything that I ranted about and MADE IT ALL SO VERY GLORIOUS:
Click to view
GOD, SO SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL. I understand that there was some Twitter kerfluffle over this vid? Stefan/Elena fans attacking Julie Plec for retweeting it? And that is just one of the many reasons why I think Twitter is the devil. (a week or so ago Damon/Elena fans were attacking her. Seriously, why do these people even still interact with their fans? They are more patient people than I am, that's for sure). Twitter makes the fans think they have power over the show, and I kind of hate that. I guess I am oldschool in that I've always liked fandom being strictly for the fans. I mean, some good things come from it (Jeff/Annie, woohoo!), but a lot of the time people use Twitter to complain/attack/harass the showrunners, and... I feel so embarrassed when people do that. Also, I am still completely lost every time I visit stupid Twitter. I HATE IT. IT'S THE DEVIL. Though I have been tempted in the past to get one just so I can follow Conan O'Brien and Dan Harmon. But, you know, if I can't follow the freaking conversation system, then it's pretty useless. So I find things out a few hours later than people who use Twitter. *shrugs* I think I can deal with that. But I fear that I'll have to figure out Twitter eventually, because it seems like that's where everyone is. I will not be surprised if LiveJournal is a complete dead zone within the next few years (heck, it already feels like one even if it's technically not).
Anyway, back to the subject of Vampire Diaries. I have not read any spoilers whatsoever, but after last Thursday's episode I feel like I kind of know where they're going. Or at least, I can take a guess and be embarrassed later about how wrong I was. So, after that beautiful, beautiful scene with Damon and Elena at the end of the last ep, I can't help but think that the show is going to start having Elena slowly become aware of Damon. And when I say that, I guess I mean that she'll notice him pulling away from her and not like it even though that's what she's wanted for awhile now. I suspect that there's going to be something between Damon and Rose, because hellooooo foreshadowing, and I suspect that this will be the beginning of Elena starting to realize that she does have an attraction/connection to Damon, as much as she loathes to admit it. So, basically, Elena will become preoccupied with Damon's affections being elsewhere, and Stefan will become preoccupied with Elena's preoccupation, and by season's end we will perhaps get a legit Elena/Damon confession/kiss/something. Also, we know from last season that compelling just takes away the memories, not the emotions behind the memories, so I think that's what really convinced me that the show will totally go there with Damon and Elena. Elena is now aware of something, even though she doesn't know what it is. When she sees Damon, she'll feel it and not know what to do with those feelings because she won't know why she's having them. That's what I'm hoping for, I guess. But, knowing this show, it will go in a completely unexpected (yet awesome) direction and remind me that I shouldn't speculate about it.