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My thoughts *part 1* - yes, there are parts. woopiedoo July 28 2009, 11:31:48 UTC

1. I totally agree with...nearly everything you said about HBP. The sixth book is also my favourite, so I guess I expected a lot from this film. Naturally, I was a little unsatisfied. Anyone that says that the movie was better than the book is INSANE, HOLY SHIT, because the book is a zillion times better than the movie!!
2. "Michael Gambon's Dumbledore just has never worked for me. He's too cold, he doesn't quite catch the eccentricity and childlike quality of Dumbledore. He gets the commanding presence just fine, but he's kind of distant rather than intuitive."

THIS THIS THIS! I always felt that Gambon's Dumby was too cold, too cryptic, and even though Dumbledore is a mysterious guy, he confides in Harry eventually and trusts him and supports him and sort of acts like a little kid, and he's quite a comforting figure for Harry - but in the movie, I didn't get that from Gambon's D'dore at all. He was coarser, more distant and he didn't have that innocence that the earlier Dumbledore's had. I've forgotten his name, the dead guy. Whatever.
3. Alan Rickman's Snape rules all!!! I love movie Snape so much. Although I was annoyed with Dumbledore's death scene, when Harry's under the platform and Snape just puts his finger to his lips? What the hell, man? He was far too good in my opinion. In the book I was like "OH MY GOD, SNAPE, YOU DICK!" and then in the seventh book it was a total slap in the face when I discovered he was good. So, I think that in the 7th movie, it'll be a bit of an anticlimax when everyone finds out Snape's good. Smeh.
4. SNAPE/LILY, OH MY GOSH YES YES YES YES YES!!!! I love them so so much!! Oh, I need fics like, NOW. XD
5. Dude, we are Bobbsey Twins CLEARLY, because Ron/Hermione has been my OTP from the first bloody book. I love them so much, probably because it's not some stupid hormone fuelled tragedy like Harry/Cho *or maybe, to an extent, Harry/Ginny* was, but it's more than that. It's got feelings. And, even though I prefer book R/H more than movie R/H, the way they portrayed R/H in the movie was still really good, I think. Lots of angst. Yummy. =)
6. But... in this movie? I was totally shipping Harry/Hermione.

Um. What. Dude, Harry/Luna is where it's at! I was always hoping that he would end up with Loony in that weird epilogue in the seventh, but I sort of knew in my heart of hearts that it wouldn't happen...*sadpants* Red hair, no future. *I'm totally kidding, it's just an Aussie joke that we make about rangas. Ronpert, iloveyou.XD*
7. SLUGHORN! JIM BROADBENT!! OH MY GAWD! Jim was absolutely perfect for the role. He might not have been what I imagined him to look like, but what he brought to the character I thought was awesome. And he was also bloody hilarious. =) The goldfish scene also pulled a little at me 'eartstrings. =)
8. I agree with you about the humour. I mean, if they'd made it all serious and Harry being completely absorbed by the Half-Blood Prince and Horcruxes and all that, I think it would have been a little too morbid and depressing. The Potions book fighting part had me and my friend cracking up, and we also enjoyed all of McGonagall's little witty remarks. Aw, &hearts.
9. Dude, I hated the Burrow burning down!! It was completely illogical. Like, as if Molly would've just been standing there just staring at the burning house. If that was me I'd be like "OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO MY HOUSE?! AAAGH!" And hello! Augumenti, duh! Why didn't they just whip out their wands and put out the fire? Totally illogical.
10. Cormac McLaggen was gorgeous. Just saying.
11. Lavender was dead funny, I loved her. Yay!
12. kind of hated the fact that Harry so willingly played into his hero status and kissed up to Slughorn, and that Dumbledore told him to do this.

THIS. When Harry and D'dore had that weird conversation near the Penseive *which they CHANGED, WHAT THE FUCK* and Dumbledore said something and then Harry was like "Do you want me to get close to him, sir?" or whatever it was...like, what was that?? I'd rather that Harry would just figure it out himself and D'dore would just provide that gentle reassurance that Harry would be able to do it in the end because of his skills - not this hard, manipulative Dumbledore. Humph.


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