Overall thoughts on Series 2 of Torchwood

Jul 17, 2009 01:50

OH GOD. I AM BAWLING. Man, I haven't cried that hard at a TV show in awhile. I mean, I knew what was coming, I've been terribly spoiled by all the outraged fandomsecrets for the past year or so, but still. Damn. *sniff*

1. TOSH! OH DEAR GOD, WHY TOSH? WHY? SHE WAS SO DARN SWEET! AND BRILLIANT! Man, she played her death scene so beautifully that I was bawling through the whole thing. And then I was crying even harder during her video. Oh man. That killed me. Beautifully done, and she managed to make me cry for Owen, even though I feel NOTHING for Owen. Honestly, I don't know why I am so turned off by that dude, especially since he got better in season 2, but jeez, every time I start to like him they focus an episode on him and I remember all the reasons why he gets on my nerves. Ugh. But anyway, it was brilliant pairing his (second) death scene with Tosh, because it just made it so endearing, and I love that even in the end Tosh wouldn't reveal what was happening to her. She was always the strong one, and, GAH! SO BEAUTIFUL! It broke my heart.

2. The Gray storyline was stupid. Especially in the finale. Oh man, that was just the most ridiculous attempt at making Jack emo that it failed miserably. Jack is not emo, so please stop trying to give him emoness of Owen proportions. Ugh, I just really, really hated it. And it even made John Hart look stupid in the beginning. I was actually rolling my eyes and cursing the show for ruining such an awesome character, but then John redeemed himself, so it was all good. But Gray was still stupid. Seriously. He blames Jack for everything? I mean, the kid tripped. He could have gotten up and ran for cover, but he just kept tripping. It's not like he was 4. He looked like he was at least 10. COME ON! So stupid. And Jack is all, "YES! IT IS MY FAULT! OH CRUEL WORLD, WHY AM I SO AWFUL? *cry cry cry* EVERY BAD THING EVER IS ALL MY FAULT!" *sigh* Stupid.

3. 2x10 From Out of the Rain, most pointless episode ever, yes? I thought nothing could beat the boringness of any Owen focused episode, but that one was just plain awful. And it had Jack and Ianto paired through the entire thing, and absolutely nothing fun happened. That was just wrong.

4. Okay, the Jack/Gwen/Rhys love triangle was seriously EPIC there for awhile. Like, I thought that the Gwen/Rhys engagement would be the end of Jack/Gwen completely, but... it wasn't. In fact, they seemed to up it quite a bit, especially in the wedding episode, which was AMAZING IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE! OH GOD! Seriously, that episode is by far my favorite. Jack/Rhys interactions are always made of win, but Rhys punching Jack for calling his mother an ugly bitch just felt SO GOOD. And of course there was the first episode where Jack was all awkward when he found out Gwen was engaged, then there was 2x04 Meat, another utterly epic episode because we got plenty of Jack/Rhys interaction (and some pretty laughable Jack/Gwen UST. Seriously, I ship them and even I was cracking up at the bit where Jack was restraining Gwen and they just stand there staring into each other's eyes for an insanely long time), but anyway, that ep had a lot of Gwen gauging Jack's reaction to her being with Rhys (and her dedication to him). And there was that ep where RHYS FREAKING DIED and Gwen went completely nuts trying to find a way to save him and Jack is all pained over her dedication to her love for Rhys and this ep showed that Gwen will always choose Rhys. She may not love him with the same passion that she has for Jack, but he's home to her, and she does love him fiercely, and she really can't live without him (but she can live without Jack, because she'll always have Rhys). Rhys keeps her grounded, and he reminds her of the good things in life, and he loves her in a way that no one else can, and because of that she will always choose him. But oooooh how that dancing scene in the wedding episode killed me. Jack and Gwen were off in their own little world, trying to tell themselves that they're better off with other people, but in the end they were reluctant to let go of each other, and even when they were back with the people that they were supposed to be with, they were still looking at each other with longing and regret. OH! FORBIDDEN REPRESSED LOVE! I CANNOT RESIST IT! I'M SORRY! Seriously, best friends, repressed emotions, more in what they don't say than what they actually say, that is so my kind of ship. But at the same time, I am in full agreement with those who say that Jack belongs with Ianto and Gwen belongs with Rhys. Ianto keeps Jack grounded, same as Rhys does for Gwen. Ianto loves Jack with a fierceness that is very similar to Rhys's love for Gwen. But Jack and Gwen just connect with each other on this extraordinary level that they don't with anyone else, and that causes them to have feelings, but they're better off as friends than lovers and they both know it. OH. THIS SHOW. Can it please just make a canon OT4 of Jack/Ianto/Gwen/Rhys? Please? That would make all my dreams come true.

5. Okay, the ep where we got to see how they all got recruited to Torchwood. I adored Tosh's, and it was actually quite surprising. Never would I have thought that she had been in maximum security prison for who knows how long. And Ianto's story was so, so awesome and hilarious and it was the first time that I actually loved Jack/Ianto (rather than just thinking it was hot...). I am so, so happy that they actually gave the relationship a little development there, because prior to that it was pretty much all off screen and we're left wondering if it's just a convenient shag for Jack or if it's something more, and that showed that they've had a genuine connection right from the start. And it was hot. Owen's was... emo, of course. And boring. I'M SORRY, HE BORES ME TO TEARS. Jack's was interesting. I love how even in the 1800s the two women were bisexual. OH MAN. THIS SHOW. Seriously, that fandom secret that complained about the writer of Torchwood being heteronormative is just plain crazy. There are absolutely no labels on this show when it comes to sexuality. I think the only straight one is Rhys, and even that is debatable, because I'm guessing he'd probably shag Jack if he didn't hate him so much for having that special connection with Gwen. But, I haven't seen the miniseries yet, so I don't know. But I think the writer treats Gwen/Rhys in a very real way, and it's full of just as much dysfunction (if not more) as Jack/Ianto.

6. I love Jack. A lot. I don't normally fall this in love with dudes that are as flamboyant as Jack, but he's this beautifully confident mix of flamboyant and manly and OMG, I LOVE HIM. SO MUCH. I think it's his jacket. It's gotta be the jacket.

So, now I'm ready for the miniseries. WOOHOO! Sadly, I am not one bit packed for vacation and it is now 3:00am. Yikes.

show: torchwood, ship: jack/gwen

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