Why, you ask? Because
shantirosa wrote me Uther/Gwen fic, and it was COMPLETELY PLAUSIBLE! OMG! YOU GUYS! READ IT! IT IS PURE BRILLIANCE!
In a Lonely Place by
shantirosa Not only is it the Uther/Gwen I've been craving for months now, but she managed to make it all about Uther/Morgana and Gwen/Morgana, which was exactly what I've always dreamed of. GAAAAH, IT IS SO, SO BEAUTIFUL! READ IT! Best bit:
“Why did she betray me?”
“She thought she had no choice, sire.”
Softly: “Did she truly loathe me?”
“She loved you, sire.”
“But not enough.”
Carefully: “No, sire. Not enough.”
Oh god, I love it. So, so, so much. Read it, and tell her how wonderful she is, because she is. And then your life will be complete.
Also, I found a
Buffy/VR.5 crossover the other night (that just happened to have the pairings of Buffy/Giles and Oliver/Syd). That... wasn't nearly as good, but you know what? I loved it anyway. I had been obsessing over VR.5 all weekend. I love that show. A lot. I... kind of maybe would even choose it over ASH being in Buffy if it meant I would have gotten more episodes. But then I would never have gotten Buffy/Giles (because you know no other actor they could have gotten would have brought the depth to that relationship that ASH did). But Syd/Oliver would have actually happened (Anthony Head said so, so I believe him). But Buffy/Giles is so messed up and angsty and glorious, whereas Oliver/Syd is a little less messed up and angsty, but kind of just as glorious, because, OMG, OLIVER IS SO FREAKING HOT. And he brings Syd out of her shell. And Syd makes Oliver human again. She makes him care! Without even trying. And they're so sweet with each other (once they got past the whole not trusting each other thing). Oooooh, how I wish the show could have at least gotten a full season. Also, yesterday
adlervan pointed out that VR.5 is Dollhouse before there was a Dollhouse, and... dudes, she is so very right. Even when looking at how Fox is handling the show. For VR.5, they ordered 13 eps, only bought nine, and the creator gave them one episode for free because he didn't want to cut out more than three eps because it hindered the overall plot. The hype around VR.5 before it premiered was huge, but once it actually started it was too complex for casual viewing, so Fox just... didn't like it, and the ratings weren't good enough because that was back in the days of The X-Files, so, they canceled it after 10 eps, right when the plot hit its climax. For Dollhouse, there are 13 episodes, but Fox only bought 12. The hype around this show was humongous, but it's a show that isn't understandable if you miss an ep, therefore it doesn't work for casual viewers and will probably be canceled after episode 12. It's about computers tapping into the subconscious and erasing memories and whatnot. The Dollhouse is run by an organization who says they're helping people, but at the same time, the organization is incredibly shady and people (namely Adelle, just like Oliver in VR.5) are becoming disillusioned with the whole thing. No one really knows who they can trust. NO WONDER I FELL IN LOVE WITH VR.5! It's Dollhouse, only very 90s. And there are no dolls.