It's times like these when I need a begging icon...

Apr 13, 2009 22:37

Is there any chance that any of you talented folks would be willing to make me a header of some sort that contains this pic:

this pic:

or this pic?

Or even this pic?

I generally like my headers to be 760 x 350, but the height can be anything, really, just no bigger than 350. And, you can change the background of the pics in order to make them match each other or whatever you all do when you make fancy graphics. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER! And I will repay you with anything that I am capable of, be it picspam or fic or embarrassing stories or whatever you can think of. I swear that I spent at least an hour tonight trying to make an aesthetically pleasing header out of these pics and I just couldn't do it. I am way too photoshop illiterate. :(

Anyway, THE ICON MEME! AGAIN! I've posted it enough that you all should know the rules by now. Comment and I'll pick 6 of your icons and yada yada yada. <--Totally went old school there with a Seinfeld reference.

ANDY BERNARD!!! PORTRAYING MY FANGIRLY WAYS! I love that icon so freaking much. It was one of my very first, and I just have never been able to delete it, even back when I only had the capacity to hold 6 icons. HOW did I live with only 6 icons? I don't know. But, this icon works so well for my overenthusiastic self. The weird part is that Andy was HORRIFIED when he kept saying, "OH MY GOD!" but... it works.

Daniel/Betty from Ugly Betty! This was the very last scene in Zero Worship, and it was quite possibly the most beautiful shot they've ever done, and OH, THE SYMBOLISM! HOW I ADORE IT! Daniel and Betty are walking off into the sunset arm in arm with romantic music playing and they're giggling and it was the first time that they were completely free with each other. Betty realized in this ep how much she meant to Daniel, and Daniel realized in this ep how much his opinion of Betty matters to her, and Daniel actually admits in this episode that he's a better man because she's in his life, and it was SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL, and then we get this not-romantic-yet-romantic scene of them walking down the catwalk arm in arm with the New York City setting in front of them and they are so going to conquer the world together.

Charlie Crews! After he got hit in the jaw by his ex-wife's current husband! Such a great freaking moment, especially since Charlie was being a total dick who deserved an ass whoopin', and I love the fact that he is too embarrassed to tell Reese about it, and Reese finds it amusing even though she has no idea what happened, and Charlie pouts as she walks away. HE POUTS! SO ADORABLE! I basically use this icon when I don't get my way. Or if I feel like posting with Adorable Charlie.

Uther and Morgana!!! Gaaaah, I love this icon. I can use it for angst, or anticipation, or shock, or dread, or... just plain old prettiness. Uther comes upon Morgana in the hall. In fact, I'm kind of convinced that Uther was lurking around those stairs for HOURS waiting for her to come down, because he was in total stalker mode for awhile during that episode. He was so DESPERATE to make things right with her. I love how he's all out of breath and ridiculously nervous and somehow obnoxiously contrite, like he's condescending to her in order to apologize to her but thinks he's being valiant and Morgana is trying so hard to not roll her eyes at him, and she's depressed that he didn't get it and she was ridiculously holding out hope that he would so that she could change her mind about killing him, but naturally Uther was as obtuse as ever. Oh, these two. I love them.

MARSHALL MANN! FROM IN PLAIN SIGHT!!! So cannot wait for Sunday. Anywho, according to certain people on my f-list, this show is all about Marshall. They don't even notice the other characters because they are too busy drooling over the Mann. So, natrually, piecesofalice started calling the show "My Name is Marshall", and then she made this nifty icon, and she let me use it, because she's awesome, and it's one of my all-time favorite icons ever. It is both badass and hilarious, just like Marshall Mann himself.

Crews/Reese! OOOOH, HOW THE FINALE RENEWED MY CREWS/REESE LOVE! They are so, so wonderful. And this icon maker did a great crop of that shot, actually made them look like puzzle pieces that complete each other. Both Charlie Crews and Dani Reese are very broken people who are terribly, terribly lost. Despite both of them being broken, they find completeness in each other. They are each other's light guiding them through the darkness. They don't have to be other people when they're with each other. They are just plain awesome. The end. OH! Guess what? I managed to find my Crews/Reese vid that I made almost a year ago, so even though YouTube deleted the original, I still have it. And... it kind of makes me cringe. It's ridiculous how much my tastes change in my own vidding styles, but yeah, it's a little cheesy and so not like a typical Life vid, but I think that's what I was going for? I don't remember.

lj: request, ship: uther/morgana, ship: crews/reese, ship: daniel/betty, fictional love machine: charlie crews, fictional love machine: marshall mann, fictional love machine: andy bernard

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