Seriously, Office fandom, don't let me down here. You all have the greatest icons ever and NO ONE has made a "Gayer than Oscar" icon yet? COME ON! If I could actually make decent looking icons, I would make one myself, but alas, I am photoshop illiterate (I can do very basic stuff like cropping and screwing with the coloring, but that's about it. I even have trouble getting the font to work properly).
Yesterday I woke up to 65 degree weather. This morning I woke up to half an inch of snow. Snow! Here! Directly after a very springish day. It was weird. The snow is already almost completely melted, but I think that's the most we've had in a long time. I am no longer used to a snowy winter.
Anyway, meme time! It feels like it's been ages since I've done one (it's probably only been a few days, but you know how addicted I am to memes). Stolen from
oltha_heri Name the first 10 fandoms that come into your mind. Your flist is supposed to write which character from those fandoms you're most like according to them. It's about the character you're most like, not the one you like the most!
1. The Office! (and, this is who YOU think I'm most like, not who I think I'm most like)
2. Merlin
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. 30 Rock
5. Life
6. Ugly Betty
7. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
8. Psych
9. In Plain Sight
10. The Young Ones (does anyone even know this show?)
And now I feel like sharing clips of The Young Ones.
Click to view
HEE! Oh, I love that show.
Gabrielle Union? Seriously? This is the rumored new partner? SERIOUSLY? Oh god, THE WORST guest stars from Ugly Betty are invading every single one of my favorite shows. WHY, TV GODS, WHY? PLEASE SAY IT AIN'T SO! I won't be able to bear it if Charlie and her get it on, which you know they will, and this will just make Dani trust him even less. UGH! SHOW! DO NOT DO THIS TO ME! CREWS/REESE IS MY FAVORITE PART OF THE SHOW, DAMN IT! *sigh*