This is officially my new favoritest thing in the world (thanks to
caffyolay for directing me to it):
Click to view
Why do I barely remember Little Britain? I think I watched the first 2 series in about 2 sittings and it all jumbled together, and then I never watched it again. And I don't think I ever got around to buying series 3. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I OBVIOUSLY HAVE A MENTAL AFFLICTION!
*rushes off to watch every single Sebastian/PM sketch in existence*
New Katie McGrath interview that is heavily about Uther/Morgana. I SO CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS EPISODE! OMG!!!!! UTHER IS TORN! HE'S TORN! GAAAAAAAH!!!!!! Also, the fact that they included this pic made me squee at an embarrassingly high pitch:
Oooooh yeah, baby.