So, Life was... well, I had a smile on my face through the whole thing, so that means it amused me. And Damian was hot. Really, really hot. But this episode didn't have much substance. It was FUN though, so that's always good. But I think I was overloaded on gorgeous women. There comes a point where you just can no longer believe that this many beautiful women exist in Crews and Reese's day to day adventures. Especially when the men aren't so hot. Perhaps it's just that Damian is such a sexy beast that all the other men look like dogs next to him, but come on. If we're overloaded with half-naked gorgeous women, then I demand to be overloaded with equally gorgeous half-naked men. I DEMAND IT! Or just give me half-naked Damian and I'll be satisfied.
1. The Reese/Tidwell gun scene was freaking hot. See, now that's a moment between them that I can buy completely, and that's exactly how I wish they'd stay. The cutesy stuff doesn't work for them. But the hot, dysfunctional, bonding-over-guns stuff? Oh yeah, that works. Give me more of that if the show insists on Reese/Tidwell.
2. Charlie noticing that Dani came with Tidwell. He was kind of jealous, or maybe territorial is more the word I'm looking for. And then Dani did the exact same thing when she noticed the glitter on him. I love that their partnership has deepened to the point where they don't particularly like sharing each other with other people. Or... they don't like knowing about it. Last season they didn't care one bit about each other's personal lives, and now they are so in tune with each other that they can't avoid knowing about it. I love this. The show is definitely setting a good foundation for increasing the sexual tension if they ever want to go down that road. These two don't need sexual tension because they are all about their emotional bond, but I think the show is slowly inserting some kind of tension between them that isn't quite as platonic as it was last season. Or maybe last week's episode was so damn shippy that I am now inserting more subtext than I should. I don't know. But I love that Crews was very snippy after he saw that Reese and Tidwell had each other's guns. He is not a happy camper. And this makes me a happy camper.
3. The show finally brought back Reese's drug and alcohol problem in a significant way, rather than just throwing in a brief mention out of nowhere. This is good.
4. Teacher Ted is freaking sexy. I have a thing for teachers (as if you all couldn't tell that by now), and Ted's hotness level goes up by about 100% when he's being teachery. Especially when he's being a stern teacher. &hearts
5. BOBBY!!!!! Oh man, I am so glad that the badge bunny ended up being his sister and not his girlfriend. I think I may have been devastated had he cheated on his wife (especially if he cheated on her with a groupie. Ick).
6. DAMN IT WHY THE HELL DID THEY HAVE TO LEAVE US WITH A FRICKIN' CLIFFHANGER? WTF? ARGH! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! Of course, they ruined the excitement of the cliffhanger by showing the preview for the next ep (in two weeks *cries*) and Charlie is walking around like nothing happened to him. So, it probably ends up being nothing and NBC just wanted to torture us for 2 weeks. Bastards.
Dirty Sexy Money was fairly good tonight, but I am so effing miffed at ALL of my shows suddenly making these flighty Mary Sues show up for no good reason other than to annoy the crap out of me. UGH! UGH, I SAY!
Anyway, I will leave you with this, because they are leaning inappropriately close together and it's the moment from the first ep that lit my Buffy/Giles fire (even though Buffy looks a little scared in the cap, but it was a sexy scene, I swear):