Oct 31, 2008 13:32

Okay dudes. I absolutely adored that episode. Greatest cold open ever?

Definitely. That is THE sweetest 'stume in the universe. Incidentally, my nephew wants to be a kitten for Halloween. Bwahahahahaha. Luckily my nephew's costume looks more like Angela's than Andy's. Oh man. Andy. See? When he gets to be his lovely over-doing-it self he can save absolutely any episode. Especially when he prances back to his desk. He should prance more often. Also, Dwight in the elevator. Pure hilarity.

Another reason why I loved this episode so much? MY DWIGHT/ANDY RIVALRY WAS BACK!!!! OMG! HOW I HAVE MISSED THAT! Dwight was brilliant. He knew exactly what would get Andy riled up, but I am SO PROUD of Andy for not having a breakdown. He fought back. OH YES! Dwight is such a dick, but I still love him, mostly because he fully acknowledges his dickishness and he simply doesn't care. That's the huge difference between Jim and Dwight. Jim is "the good guy," the "perfect guy" *barf*, the "aw shucks boys will be boys" guy, the "he gets away with anything because he's personable" guy, so he has never once acknowledged what a douche he is when he bullies Dwight and Andy, and THAT is why I often find Jim unforgivable, especially for the cell phone prank that he did to Andy. Dwight, on the other hand? He goes out of his way to be a douche and he's proud of it. He knows who he is and he's not afraid to say it. Also, Dwight rarely gets away with anything since he lacks Jim's personable skills, so it's easier to still love him. Dudes, the interview scene? Awesome callback to The Job when Dwight interviews Andy for the #2 spot, and I adore the fact that even when Andy is trying to be the bad guy, he fumbles horribly because he is so damn innocent and gullible and Dwight totally owns him. Oooooh, Andy. My sweet, sweet, tries-too-hard Andy. Also, Dane Cook, Dwight? Really? Really? Please tell me he was just saying that to rile Andy up because he believes that Dane Cook is one of Andy's heroes? (seriously, Dane Cook is more of an Andy answer than a Dwight answer)

Michael made me cry. A lot. Even though I wasn't exactly invested in Michael/Holly, it still hurt. When he's in pain, I'm in pain. I just hate that he got this taste of pure happiness and it was all for nothing. Once again, this is why I will always envision him as a tragic character, and this is a prime example of why I can't see him getting a happy ending, no matter how much last week's episode made me want one for him. Also, even though the Michael/Darryl singing in the car scene was a total copy from Jim/Andy in Product Recall, it still made me smile. Darryl may often be a complete jerk to Michael, but he also manages to feel terrible for him quite often. When Michael is truly sad, he doesn't get any fun out of mocking Michael, and that makes me like Darryl a tiny bit more. He's probably my second least favorite character, but he really won some awesome points in this episode, especially when he did that high-pitched harmonizing on Life is a Highway.

Jim and Pam. Boring. But cute. As always.

Even though the episode had three different stories going on, it really didn't feel disjointed to me. They gave us just enough of every plot, and I love that the Andy/Dwight stuff kept us laughing like crazy in between all the Michael/Holly drama and the Jim/Pam boredom/cuteness. Oh, can I just say that Pam's costume was AMAZING? Oh man. Also, I'm finding her more and more adorable with each episode. I love Fancy New Beesley. A lot. She just seems so much quicker with her witty comments. In earlier seasons she would hold back, but now she's so confident she'll just say it, and I love her for that. I know a lot of fans miss Meek Pam, but I don't. Not one bit. FNB FTW!



So, I know I've been complaining about The Office and its unevenness, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it's pretty much always been that way. We get some absolutely amazing episodes, and some not-so-great ones. So I suppose this season is just like all the others. I just haven't hit that Office high like I have in the past, but that could be for other reasons that have nothing to do with the show. My complaint lately though is that The Office has turned into a soap opera with all of this couple nonsense, but this ep had that old Office feeling that I love, despite most of it taking place outside of the office. The comedy was superb, the drama was subtle and heart-wrenching, and they didn't overload us with any of the characters, they gave us a lovely mix. So, I dug this episode. I do prefer the whole cast being together and the ancillary characters getting a tiny bit more screentime, but this episode had a very complete feeling even with them all being separated. So, I loved it.

fictional love machine: michael scott, show: the office, fictional love machine: andy bernard

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