I'm officially addicted to True Blood. I DON'T WANT TO BE! BUT I CAN'T STOP WATCHING! I was actually excited about seeing tonight's episode. And dudes, I find the show to be awful, BUT I CAN'T STOP WATCHING! It's awful in the best possible way, apparently. But tonight's ep was definitely better than the pilot, to the point where I can say that the show might turn out to be not so awful. Still... vampires, overly done southern accents, every stereotypical character known to man, beyond cliche central romance, cheesy effects, makes me laugh where it shouldn't, and yet I LOVE IT! I CAN'T STOP MYSELF! ARRRRRGH! I don't understand how I can be addicted to so many things that make me gag, but there you have it. I blame the pretty, pretty men. And Tara, because I adore her. And oooooh how I adore Sam/Tara, but this is another completely obscure and unlikely ship of mine that nobody else even notices. Woe is me. Everyone's into Sookie/Bill, naturally, because it's the beyond cliche vampire romance, and yet I'm even into them because they are pure adorableness and Bill is ridiculously hot. But they're not a couple that I could get invested in. Sam/Tara? YES PLEASE! BRING IT ON! Forget poopy Sookie/Sam and Tara/Jason. Both of those ships = sucksville. Although, Tara/Jason is somewhat intriguing, and they're both probably my favorite characters, but they have nowhere near the same chemistry as Sam/Tara. Seriously, Sam and Tara have shared a total of 2 scenes together and I ship them like mad. Sam is madly in love with Sookie Stackhouse, but she has absolutely zero interest in him romantically and tends to lead him on by accident. Tara is madly in love with Jason Stackhouse, but he doesn't even notice she's alive and she's the one woman in town that he's never had any interest in sleeping with. Do you see the parallels? DO YOU SEE? And they're both so unsure of themselves around the objects of their affection and they end up being lovesick pushovers, and then they share a scene together and it's freaking electric. They banter, they surprise each other, they're themselves around each other, they bond over their need to protect Sookie, Tara makes Sam laugh and Sam makes Tara smile and he somehow keeps her anger from exploding, and THEY ARE JUST SO PERFECT! GAH! I can't be the only one who sees this, right? Now I'm curious to see if there's anything between them in the books. Anyway, I kind of want to start a community for them, but I'm afraid that I'd be the only person in the community for the entirety of the show. But... but... THEY'RE PERFECT OMG! I need more Sam/Tara scenes. Oh, the end of this episode? I laughed for a good five minutes at the utter awfulness of it. Seriously, so over-dramatic. BUT I LOVE IT!
In other news, I was watching this thing on IFC about sex in teen movies, and they showed a clip from this film called Coming Soon about girls who had never achieved an orgasm during sex and wanted to experience one, and they showed this young guy with long bangs over his eyes that looked all too familiar, but I couldn't place him. And then they showed him again and he was making this charmingly strained face as he was pushing the girl down for a blow-job, and then it hit me. "OMG, THAT'S JAMES RODAY! AND HIS HAIR LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE SHAWN'S DID IN THE FLASHBACK TO THE 90s! OMG!" It was pretty hilarious. I guess you had to be there. But... I couldn't help but picture that scene as Shawn and Juliet, with Juliet making a face like, "He's not serious, right?" and Shawn trying to be charming yet he's impatient and it's all very awkward and so wrong because she's supposed to be with Lassiter, and Lassi wouldn't even think to do that to Juliet. In fact, he'd happily be going down on her, mostly because he wants to hear her purr and it would give him SO much satisfaction to be the cause of said purr. I speak the truth, people.
Oh, and after that I flipped over to Encore Action and caught the end of Street Fighter. This used to be my favorite SNES game when I was little. Seriously. It was the most violent game we had, and 5-year-old me would be playing it like crazy, and if I lost, I would punch my brothers or throw the controller at them or pound on the floor or rip up a pillow, because that's how into it I got. I scared my brothers, and they're both older than me. Anyway, I had completely forgotten that the game had been made into a Jean Claude Van Damme movie, so I had to watch a little bit of it and relive the good times. What's sad is that I recognized and remembered the names and countries of origin of every single character. And I even disputed the fact that Guile defeated M. Bison with that spin kick of his while Bison was doing that electric flying thing, because NOTHING could deflect that except for a fireball thing or that boomerangish thing that Guile would throw, otherwise you had to duck or jump, which is why that move was so effective, and it happened fast, so it was hard to hit all the buttons for a fireball in time. Anyway, Guile would have been electrocuted by doing that kick thing. So... BOO MOVIE! SO NOT AUTHENTIC! M. Bison kicks ass. Especially when played by Raul Julia. But the dude they got to play Zangeif? PERFECTION! He looked and sounded just like him. He even had the crazy-shaped chest hair patch.
Okay, I'm going to go back to watching random stuff on TV now. Late night is always the best time for that.
This is why I love Ed Helms so much. At first, I was angry at the writer of the article for not getting the character of Andy at all, but then I read this:
Helms describes Andy as “a yacht-clubby guy who’s a little douchey but still earnest. He’s sweeter than who I was on The Daily Show, and a little less aware of himself. That’s what I like about him."
Ooooooooh, how I love Ed Helms. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Also, that pic is gorgeous.