Sep 19, 2010 15:05
So much blogging! Future memories yay!
A record of stuff from the trains. The spa deserves its own future entry...
written on netbook on train, 11:17am, sun 9/19
Settled in at my window seat at the back of the train. A lot of pretty countryside, but not a lot different than Canada yet really. I'm looking forward to the mountains in Switzerland a lot.
Another reason, beyond emotional loneliness, that it is awesome to travel with somebody is being able to leave your bags with them. I pretty much always have my tote bag with me, with my netbook, prescriptions, passport, etc. I'm envious of the people in pairs who can get up to go the bathroom at restaurants, or get a coffee from another car on the train, without taking their belongings.
I had pretty just talked myself into leaving most of my stuff here at my seat (since someone a train has less ability to just escape with stolen goods) and go in search of the bar that maybe is also a restaurant, because I'm famished. But as I sat up in my seat to assemble, I noticed a train worker at the front of the car handing out menus. Perfect!
There was a hot menu and a cold menu, you could only order the whole of one or the either. On the hot menu was foie gras and gilthead with dill and a carrot bunt cake, the cold menu was salad with country ham and a large plate of meat and cold cuts. Both have a lemon tartlet, mineral water, and cafe lavazza et chocolate suisse. If I hadn't had the horrible duck terrine experience yesterday I might have been adventurous with the hot menu, but I am hungry and wary of the eccentric right now, so cold menu it is for me.
Now, off to play some puzzles in my magazines, maybe read a little Philip K Dick, eat some lunch when it is served, and maybe watch a little Deadwood.
written on netbook on train, 3:16pm, sun 9/19
On the 2nd train. Zurich to Chur. I was pronouching it with a "ch" sound like "chair", but turns out it's a "K" sound, like "kristin".
It's nice that the trains to the same place leave from the same platform. I got to platform 6, and there was a slightly earlier train to Chur waiting. I think it was the one I originally wanted to book that they couldn't get me at the ticket station.
Anyway asked a dude about getting on that train, he seemed to be implying it was longer, but told me to talk to a lady a little further down, called her "the boss". She spoke much better English and helped me out. Turned out the train trip would be longer, more stops, but since it's leaving earlier, it also gets there earlier. Since I was only scheduled for a four minute connection in Chur, definitely preferring the getting there earlier part. Besides it's more comfortable sitting on a train seat then it is on the platform anyway.
There was no problem with taking the earlier train even though I had a reservation for the later one. That's nice.
Should out to Michael Yew for the bit of extra train information that helped me figure this out just a little more smoothly. Looks like it is another hour and twenty-ish minutes until Chur. I wish I had downloaded audiobooks before leaving, I had some audible credits. It would be nice to listen to something while enjoying the view from the train. Hmm... maybe I have some Radio Lab...
written on netbook on train, 4:52pm pm, sun 9/19
On train #3, Chur to Ilanz. I am seriously thankful for these platform numbers that don't change. Way to go Europe. My slightly obsessed with details brain really likes being able to look at my notebook and see the platform that I got off the website, and then additionally see a permanent sign in the station verifying the platform. A small voice in my head still wants to confirm with a train worker (there were none on this one), but trying to quiet her, this is obviously the right train to be on.
It should be taking off in about a minute. I am also thankful I had the little bit of extra time to get down one platform and up another. Yay for smooth travels again!
I'm in love with mountains. Even from seeing them from inside the train makes my insides kind of glow and my heart sing a little bit. Maybe it's from growing up next to a mountain? Or from when I was 17 and I feel like that mountain was a part in saving my life? Or just because they are simply majestic on their own without any sort of justification from me?
Whatever it is, they make me feel alive. I can't wait to get even more remote into them at this spa.