itle Whiteout
Auhtor landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt The Color of Pain
Word Count 382
Warning giving birth
Summary Kagome recounts the birth of OUji
What was it like giving birth to a kami?"
Kaede's question confused Kagome and yet it brought back so many memories. The first memory was her mother tellng her that she named her to because she saw a star inside of her.
Kagome was amazed that her mother could see the Jewel , but there was no other reasonable explanation When asked what color it had her mother told that it was clear while light pulsing from her chest
She remembered when her own son Ouji was born, the pain was overwhelming until Princess Puppy told her hand and told her to follow her. /As followed inuhime no Kami down the corridor toward the light the pain when away.
When they reached the end of the tunnel, the goddess handed her a small white dog and told her
" I have done my part to bring OUji to you. It is up to you to bring him the rest O the way"
Princess Puppy gave her a shove which sent her hurtling down the corridor handing onto oui for dear life until he appeared between her legs. Inuyasha tried to help but the boy seemed to know where he was going as he latched onto her teats and began sucking.
When she finished tellng Kaede the miko was silent. Nothing in her training had prepared her for dealing with children of the kami. She wondered if the corridor and the white light were actual or merely metaphors for helpng humans deal with such events.
"What do you think ,Kagome?"
Kagome replied " I was so grateful for Ouji that forgot my anger at Princess Puppy. After all the pain was so bad that I went white at times. She could have stopped the pain at any time. She could have brought Ouji to me without dragging down that corridor which could have led to death for both me and Ouji"
"Why do you think she did it?"
"I think she wanted to realized how painful it is bring life into this world How deadly birth is where one mistep can kill both of you Lastly I think that she wanted me to realize how precious life is Despite all the pain and sufferingOuji was worth everything went through to bring him into this world"