Title My Precious
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Where are my Things?
Word Count 230
Warning none
Summary Shippou surprise Inuyasha by putting his haori and sword on display
Inuyasha stared at the model of himself in the glass case. Why was a model of himself on display in the Edo Museum complete with his haori and sword. Shippou was going to pay for this
Sure he did not need a youkai killing sword in this era. Hiis blood had been stabilized by his adoption into this era There was no enemy that he needed the robe of the fire rat as protection
Still it had always been his security blanket. Protecting him over the past eight hundred years Without he felt naked It had been his identity. Inherited from his father His baby blanket and later his armor
He might not need Tessaiga, but it was a part of him Without it he was missing a part of his soul. What if an enemy hanyou were to get a hold of it. Sesshoumaru and his father used it Maybe others could too It was too dangerous to display in public
He felt a tuck on his sleeve To his surprise Kagome and Shippou were laughing at him She explained that it was merely intended as an April Fool joke not a theft. She understood what his haori and Tessaiga meant to him and their future together. Someday their son would wear the robe of fire rat and bear Tessaiga Until then she would dream of taking them f
rom him