Title A Letter Home
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt ink Brush
Word Count 650
Warning none
Summary Miroku adds a gloss to the Kojiki to convey news about Kagome's children to her mother
So the Great-Harvest-Deity wedded the Princess [of?] Inu, 1 daughter of the Divine-Life-Producing-Wondrous-Deity, 2 and begot children: the Deity August-Spirit-of-the-Great-Land; 3 [89] next the Deity of Kara; 4 next the Deity Sohori; 5 next the Deity White-Sun; 6 next the Sage-Deity
Ji-chan never tired of reading the Koijiki As a Shinto priest it was the basis of everything he believed. Not many believed in the kami these days. It was only on New Years day that the faithful came in droves to hedge their bets
Even then the wishes were for love and success in the classroom. In order to meet the damand he had been forced to sell charms and fortunes which were irrelevant to the kami themselves simply to keep the shrine afloat.
Since the crowds thinned after New Years, he always found it refreshing to read the Kojiki He took a sip of his tea and relaxed. The words were old friends which he knew by heart. No necessrty to scam parishioner out of their hard earned yen
As his eyes drifted he came to where the Great Harvest Deity married the Inu no Hime. He had long ago memorized this passage and could name each of the progeny from each wife Today his eyes were drawn to a gloss in the margin.
"Inu no Hime blessed Higurashi no Kagome the wife of Inuyasha son of the inu no Taisho with two children, Ouji and Alia of the Knife."\
Ji-chan 's eyes bugged out.. He had never seen this passage before. Yet there it was in the Shrine's copy of the Kojiki He must call someone about this Surely, the keepers of the Ise Shrine should know if this was an accurate gloss.
The media was alerted. Press swarmed the shrine Ji-chan was more than willing to give interviews. However many remained skeptical. Scientific tests were run showing that the ink dated from late 16th century while the document was much older.
The biggest complaint was the reference to Kagome Higurashi who just happened to be the missing granddaughter of the shrine keeper. Jichan was accused of fraud by many in the religious and academic communitya
After the furor which caused an uptick in the visitors to the shinre, followed by a backlach against the shrine keeper, the gloss became yesterdays news. Jichan was able to close the book on the odd gloss with no more than a stern warning.
Mama however made a copy of the gloss and stuck it into her scrap book that she kep of Kaogme. It was hKagome's letter home. The kamis that he daughter birth to were her grandchildren. A proof that her daughter wa favored byt the kami
Sango stared what Miroku " You are Buddhist monk. What in the world are you writing in the shirne's copy of the Kojiki.?"
Miroku looked up bemused "Kaogme wants to send a message to her mother about the birth of her children, but has no idea how to do so. Kagome told me that this document survived into her time. If I put a message in the right spot someone in her time might read it
Sango sighed They had enough worry about in their own time without sending letters to the future. Still she understood. She liked to think that her own parents were listening wehn she told them about the doings of their grandchildren during her visits to the slayers village.
"But why you Miroku? a Why not have Kagome write something herself?"
Miroku laughed "Kagome is convinced that I am the only person qualified to forge a religious document which will pass the test of time and convey the news to her mother."