well now

Oct 24, 2004 21:47

hmmmmmmm things are ok... except for that F i have to tell my aunt about... Ummm went to a show last night.... that was fun... Tommy's band was awesome... missed fowler...too bad too cuz i really wanted to see them. It was fun because everyone was there including zoe, shannon, bethany and nice rack and an ass was there too... Gotta love caitlyn... is that how u spell her name?... oh well i still love her. Ummm Allison had a costume party... i was a coolio pirate and shannon was an 80's girlie... how odd... Ginene was there... thats life. Hah allisons BF dressed up as batman.. it was a little kids costume so it was riding up his ass.. good times... afterwards i went to go see chelsea... She laughed at me.. :( oh well ummm so we hung out for a while.. then she tried to suffocate me... and ummm she fell asleep while i was there... I must be boring because she always falls asleep when im there... Thanks Chels love ya tooo..... ok well ummmm.. bye...

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