
Mar 26, 2008 17:59


[the video flickers on to show Xemnas, looking relatively unharmed and unruffled, holding his Organization coat in his arms. At first glance, it seems that nothing is amiss- but on closer look, it shows that Yotsuba is actually bundled up in the jacket, and he's speaking gently to her. However, he looks slightly at a loss for what to do.]

[ Despite the warmth she's obviously surrounded in, Yotsuba's shivering within that jacket. She's got tears streaming down her pale face -- pale from blood that she's lost ] X-Xeemee... Marly's dead.... I... I'm scared. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

[it's obvious that comfort isn't his strong point, but it's obvious too that he's trying his best.] ... things will be alright, Yotsuba. This cannot last for much longer, and those that we have lost will come back to us.

I.. I keep hearing lots of screaming. [ Yotsuba covers her ears again when she hears it over the radio and its noticable that she's shaking a little more violently. ] Why are people dying?

[Xemnas reaches over to turn the broadcast's volume down; he doesn't want to scare her more than she already is. He isn't capable of taking care of others, and it's obvious. At the more violent shaking, he holds her a little tighter.] I honestly do not know. This is a terrible event for all in the mansion.

[ Yotsuba whimpers and then starts to sob a little as she buries her head into his chest. ] I want my Daddy...

We'll go and find him soon, I promise. I wish to make sure that you are alright enough to travel first; I do not wish for further harm to come to you.

[ Yotsuba just continues to whimper as she nods. ] You're... not gonna get hurt either, are you Xeemee?

I'm not going to get hurt. I can assure you of that. We will be fine, Yotsuba. [holds her infinitesimally closer]

Okay... [ Yotsuba just buries herself more into the coat and against Xemnas before dozing off. She's been up for over 24 hours. Little girls shouldn't be awake for that long. ]
[video footage ends- voice post begins]

Yotsuba is safe, but unfortunately not unharmed. But Marluxia and the young, green-skinned boy- I cannot say the same for them. I am not certain what here can be used for healing- if anyone has any idea, then please do tell me.
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