May 30, 2011 01:23
So fucking close to the end, finish tuesday 2pm. WTF even is that?!
I just got really reflective about first year, miss hanging out with the guys from flat 3, but I guess I have moved on, even J says they are boring and mainly hangs out with the geography massssiiiveeeeeeee.
On a work front cant wait for it to be over, but FUCK real life.
Glad some people are going to be out of my everyday life though, complaining CONTINUALLY about how shit Brighton is, well actually its the BEST place ever and the BEST thing that has happened to me. Have met the BEST people and bar the odd prang the most happy i have ever been. Man coming to brights was the bes decsion I could of ever made, love love love it.
Such a shame we cant all afford to stay down here, would be amaze, i really hope K moves down. Or at least closer, or better yet, I get my arse into gear and learn to drive, and get a car and erggg more money.
So excited for social, going out, holiday, besti, struggle to find a job, YES SUMMER, I'm so ready for you.