This, that and the other thingy...

Jul 11, 2005 06:37

So the next 4 days are going to be interesting...Babysitting all day on Tuesday and Thursday means that I'll only get packing done Monday and Wednesday. But Auntie Becky has the kids on Wednesday so that should mean that I'll be able to work all day with out having to worry about them.

We ordered our fridge...saved a bunch of money and got a washer and dryer with the difference. It certainly isn't the top of the line model, but its so much bigger than the apartment model we've been working with for the past 10 years it will be great. Not to mention the fact that we are going to get an extra freezer to put in the basement so that we can do a bit of bulk shopping.

Opened the pool at the house on Saturday so that it would be ready for when we move in on Friday. Man that's a costly endeavor...had to buy so many chemicals I should be able to run my own lab. But it looks great, can't wait to go swimming in MY POOL!!!!

Everyday I get a bit more excited about this whole thing...I can't believe that starting on Friday I will have my own home and that I'll be able to paint the walls the color I want ... put holes in the wall where I need them ... have a yard that will be mine to let the kids run around and play in ... a pool to enjoy ... so many good things ...
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