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madama_airlock Just the thing to pass a sunday aft :-P
A is for age: 30
B is for beer of choice: I don't really like beer...only if i shandy it so once you mix it with lemonade it doesn't really matter ;-)
C is for career right now: Care Coordimator
D is for your dog's name:I don't have a dog anymore...I had a yorkie called Remy but she moved in with my friend
E is for essential item you use everyday: Eyelash curlers!
F is for favorite TV shows: Battlestar Galactica
G is for favorite game: Hummm I love Chess, but you can't beat a bit of Tennis on the Wii
H is for Hometown: Born in Chatham, live in Brighton and Hove
I is for instruments you play: Flute, recorder (both treble and descant)
J is for favorite juice: Orange, grapefruit
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: Humm, Ill go controversial....Margaret Thatcher
L is for last place you ate: Blimey thats so sad its been a while...umm We ate in my dads hotel The Travel Lodge in Brighton a few weeks back!
M is for marriage: Nooooooooooo ty!
N is for your middle Name: Carrie
O is for overnight hospital stay: Apendix out when I was 7 and a couple of months about 3 years ago when I was ill.
P is for people you were with today:Johan, Rowena
Q is for quote: Don't be afraid to dream, from such fragile things come miracles.
R is for Biggest Regret: Not staying in education for longer, getting involved with a friend..
S is for Sport: To watch: tennis. To do: swimming and tennis
T is for what time you woke up today: LOL.....OH hell ummm 2.50 pm :-P
U is for underwear you have on now: Hey a girl has to have some secrets!
V is for vegetable you love: Swede, mushrooms, leeks, asparagus (after being reminded i love it)
W is for worst habits:Too many to mention im sure!! Biting the skin around my nails!
X is for x-rays you've had: Yikes, well I got beaten up after my 16th bday for not inviting someone and I pretty much everything xrayed then!
Y is for something yummy you ate today:Nooooothing yet...Im waiting to get the energy to go to the shop!...edit to say finally had chicken and new potatos and swede and broccolli!
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo