Sep 11, 2009 16:35
So I brought a nice cold back with me, hence the not posting before now! Just to say it was a wonderful place! Mary was amazing, though I cheated on her slightly with Kate V and Hogan ...those two are frakkin incredible!!! Kate called me " A sexy Cylon Slut!" Which I loved My camera doesnt seem to want to play ball right now I shall try and upload pics later. But ones I got were.....
Mary and Me X 2
Mary, Avery and me X2
Mary, Becca, Angie, Katie, Avery and Me.
Mary and Hogan and Me
Mary and Kate and Me
Kate Vernon and Me
Hogan and Me
Hogan Kate and me
Crisitine Rose and Me.
4 Mary one Donnie Darko poster she signed*Rose Darko*...The pic of her and Ed from envelope screening she signed *Ed I miss you, love ya Mary* and a Dott one she signed *I am not depressed just deeply introspective with a slight dramatic flair* and finally the beautiful framed TV guide Ave made me...she signed *Jessica thank you for everything*
1 Kate Vernon, signed Bottoms up!
1 Hogan signed Frak em All!
1 Trucco for a friend
1 Cristine Rose, signed *Wonderful to meet you! Be a Hero, save someone today (the she drew the helix thingy) C Rose *Ma Petrelli*
Now I am crawling back to bed! *WAVES TO EVERYONE WHO WENT LOVES YOU ALL*!!