(no subject)

May 01, 2005 11:03

We Arkansans had two earthquakes this morning. I only remember feeling one, but it was 7:30 in the morning, so it's likely that my brain blended them together as one. I woke up because my bed was shaking, and at first I thought my stepdad was waking me up, because he's been known to do that. But I looked around and I was alone in my room, but my bed was shaking. Then my dog started spazzing out and I just though, "oh my god, earthquake." But I was still really tired so I went back to sleep. Then when I woke up and realized that these minor quakes of ours generally start in the Jonesboro area, so I freaked and perused the commercial appeal's website to make sure that the quake wasn't major and that none of my friends had been hurt. What they say is:

Two minor earthquakes hit the N.E. corner of Arkansas. The first and more powerful earthquake occurred at 7:37 A.M. Mid-South time. The epicenter was located four miles south-southeast of Manila, AR., although the shaking and rumbling was felt over a considerably larger area. The magnitude was 4.1 on the Richter scale.

The second, smaller quake occurred at 7:56 A.M. Mid-South time. The epicenter was, again, located 4 miles south-southeast of Manila, AR. The magnitude of the smaller quake has been determined at 2.3 on the Richter scale.

No reports of injuries or casualties have been reported with these quakes. Some minor damage has been reported in various locations.

So I feel much better. Happy quake day, slash May first. This is the last time I'll go to (high) school during the month of May! So many lasts coming up in the next year... how sad.

I would also like to put out another shameless beg for your old ties. Anyone who has some old neck ties (even one would be great) who wants to hook me up with a sweet outfit for our ASBDA performance this summer, I will pay you in love, cookies, and possibly $5 per tie. That's $4 more than I will pay to the thrift store, so you're getting a really good deal. GIMME TIES (please)!
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