(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 17:09

We have been learning about the 90's in History the last two days, and today Mr. Hardin pulled up the slide with the West Memphis 3 on it. Having lived so near to where the three boys who were murdered in the case were found, this really made me sad, because that was the first (and only) time that a major crime had affected me personally. I really felt like I had something to fear because these three boys who were only a little older than me and lived in the same neighborhood were missing, and no one's mom let them out of the house for weeks. So we're listening to Ralph talk (probably the ONLY time that the "happy fun bunch" has ever been quiet for more than 20 seconds) and then he tells us that he went to school with Damien Echols, the "mastermind/ringleader" of the three guys who were convicted. It was really freaky. He said that when he heard about the murders, the first person he thought of was Damien - and this was before they arrested him. He told us about how weird Damien had been in school - all of the devil worshipping, gothic-dressing, etc. - and how he had no doubt that Damien was capable of murder. I guess it just freaked me out because that's the first time I've ever heard from anyone who actually knew this kid who went out and killed people. I think it affected everyone else like that, because no one even argued that the WM3 were innocent - which seems to be inevitable anymore.

But other than that serious discussion, History sucks because I have to analyze all the presidents by tomorrow. But first... FOOD.
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