"I don't know." He padded around the stack. "It looks a little different here," he pointed to an area. "There might be an empty space, but-" How could he check? The space was covered on all sides.
"Hn. Well, we have two options. We can keep trying to scan it, or we start moving crates --"
While Blues was still talking, Zero padded over and began to all but climb over the spot in question, flicking through his own sensor-suite and tracking any stray scent.
"Point." They needed all the clues they could get. "I guess we can try to drag them over as quietly as possible then, with one of us keeping a look out?"
Rockman looked to Blues. He was bigger so could probably get a better grasp on them, but- "I have Gutsman's weapon copied, so I can help move them if Blues doesn't have his heart set on it."
"I don't have any preference, really -- except that we don't know what we're getting into, and you using up weapon energy moving crates might cost us later. Paranoia, I know, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious."
"We can trade off in a bit, though, if you really want to join in on the fun --"
Quirking a smile, Blues set to work alongside Zero shifting crates.
"Good point. I think I'll save the weapon energy." And with that he moved to keep watch, glancing back to how their progress was going until the crates were moved enough to get to the hidden one. No one had come to check out the noise of metal against metal, but then the wind had picked up outside and the waves gotten stronger.
The sound of the storm apparently had Zero a little rattled; every time the wind howled, he bristled and tensed. It didn't stop him from working on shifting the crates, though.
As they worked, Blues cycled through his sensor suites, watching the hidden crate's location and alert for any little thing that might be worth investigating.
Rockman, who had never been in such a situation, was awed by the storm's noise and the feel of waves under his feet. But it didn't make him neglect his watch for the crew.
The only thing that might negate the crate's status of being empty was a sign of what could be shelving or maybe racks.
Strange things to maybe see in an 'empty' crate, very strange. Blues had a brief flashback to some of his stowaway days, and moved the remaining crates a little more carefully.
Rockman had just stopped glancing back as the crate was uncovered when suddenly the whole ship jerked, throwing him from his feet and sending quite a bit of the cargo tumbling, both above and below deck.
Zero jerked back with a yowl as the crates started heaving and one clipped him on the shoulder. It took a moment's flailing before he managed to regain his balance.
For his own part, Blues let himself go with the motion of the ship and kept his eyes on the suspect crate.
While Blues was still talking, Zero padded over and began to all but climb over the spot in question, flicking through his own sensor-suite and tracking any stray scent.
There was just the scent of the crew members and the view of an empty crate amongst the other cargo.
Climbing back down, Zero hitched a shoulder in a shrug.
"One of you should watch; I can probably move those things better than either of you."
"We can trade off in a bit, though, if you really want to join in on the fun --"
Quirking a smile, Blues set to work alongside Zero shifting crates.
As they worked, Blues cycled through his sensor suites, watching the hidden crate's location and alert for any little thing that might be worth investigating.
The only thing that might negate the crate's status of being empty was a sign of what could be shelving or maybe racks.
Strange things to maybe see in an 'empty' crate, very strange. Blues had a brief flashback to some of his stowaway days, and moved the remaining crates a little more carefully.
For his own part, Blues let himself go with the motion of the ship and kept his eyes on the suspect crate.
The mystery crate hadn't moved, having been secured to the floor.
If you called sounding like he planned to shred something 'fine'; Zero was definitely not a happy camper at the moment.
Blues, eyeing the crate, chuckled quietly.
"I'll survive. And our little friend there is rather solid about the whole thing. Time to investigate, I think --"
And he padded over, to look for access.
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