Apr 11, 2008 14:56
So far in our travel log:
Strangers who have commented on Moses' tusks: the cashier at Hannaford's in Rutland; five bikers at a traffic light in Connecticut; two hunters at the gas station we're currently at (who called him a Chinaman and asked to take his photograph); and the Subway sandwich guy, who has some chill tattoos.
Getting stuck in 20 miles of traffic for the better part of 2 hours north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. For part of this time we were stuck next to a truck hauling radioactive material. Later there was all this debris in the road; we didn't figure out what is was until we passed a tractor-trailer hauling hundreds of live, caged chickens. The debris was feathers.
West Virginia has these giant crosses made of telephone poles, grouped in threes on hillsides. The center one is bigger and painted yellow, while the smaller two are white. (The three crosses on Calgary.) We counted 6 of those trios in the two hours it took us to cross the state.
At a small-town gas station in West Virginia: the women's rest room had no mirror, but instead an out-of-order condom vending machine which included French ticklers.
Now on to Covington, Tennessee, to visit Andrew and take a shower. Tomorrow; Memphis and New Orleans!