Something To Talk About (Challenge 33 - Ceremony)

Aug 24, 2012 09:40

Title: Something To Talk About
Prompt: Challenge 33 - Ceremony
Rated: PG
Word Count: 100
Characters: Erik/Charles (as Magneto/Professor X), third party pov
Summary: A gossip columnist reports on one of the biggest events of the year and a potential hook-up that will have everyone talking.
Warning: Nothing

“…for those curious gawkers I can tell you that the world’s foremost leaders in mutant rights - Professor Charles Xavier and the mysterious Magneto - were amongst the invitees and had tongues wagging over a potential verbal throw down at some point.

Instead they worked opposite sides of the room but I heard that at some point they both disappeared. When they rejoined the party not only did Magneto stay close by Xavier’s side but the professor was flushed and smiling.

So the question everyone is asking is, ‘Are those old rumours actually true?’

All I can say is, where there’s smoke…”

character: erik lehnsherr, challenge 33: ceremony, pairing: erik/charles, rating: pg, character: charles xavier

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