A History of the World (Challenge 29 - Post-Canon)

Aug 20, 2012 08:49

Title: A History of the World
Prompt: Challenge 29 - Post-Canon
Rated: PG
Word Count: 100
Characters: Erik/Charles
Summary: Beginnings are arbitrary. In retrospect they can be attributed to any specific moment in time depending on context. Erik and Charles begin where others assume an ending: Post-Cuba.
Warning: Nothing

The war came but not the one they were expecting.

Three years in and it was still mutant versus mutant. Humans remained a distant threat, a future hurdle or obstacle to eventually be broached.

Just not today.

Nothing like the first time after the beach when raw emotions ate at every hurt in every breath; better than the fifth time when bitter sarcasm was sorrowful, now there was playfulness in the banter, their eyes dancing to a familiar, welcoming tune.

The helmet gleamed and the wheelchair cut strong lines and they knew it had all been leading to now.

challenge 29: post-canon, character: erik lehnsherr, pairing: erik/charles, rating: pg, character: charles xavier

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