Backtagging: Yes, yes, and HELL YES
Threadhopping: It's fine with me, but do not threadjack anything marked private~ ♥ If you do, then die ♥
Fourthwalling: While Rhode would think it's hilarious, please keep 4th walling to the minimum.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): So far, I haven't found anything that bothers me, but if you think it might
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Series: Kingdom Hearts re:Chain of Memories
What is character deepest fears/weaknesses? Identity Issues up the wazzoo! He's the replica of the character Riku and his memories were rewritten to make him think he WAS Riku for a time, then he got the bad news and it kinda broke him bad. He's still getting over that. He claims he's not afraid of the dark powers he controls, b/c he's kind of a thrill-seeker like that, but any kind of conflict that backs him into a corner such that he can't even fight back is a massive badping for him. That's how he lost his memories the first time.
Does your character have any close friends, family, love, etc?: Honestly, nothing particularly intimate. He feels obligated to protect a girl named Naminé, his roommate is Ventus, and that's about it.
Any particular topic to stay clear of? OOCly I don't go for stuff like rape or hardcore torture (weak stomach), but that's pretty much it.
Level of Mindfuck/injure (Let's face it, Rhode doesn't know the meaning of moderation: See above. He's already been so worked over that you'd have to go for the really nasty stuff before you actually scare him anymore.
Do you ever want them to be pulled into her Dream World? Sure thing! It'd make him soooo uncomfortable.
Since controlling dream is pretty godmoddy, it is alright to mess with your character dreams? Granted, it will only be minor stuff like show past mistakes or making sweet dream into nightmares, but I don't want to step on any toes. Light stuff like that, go right ahead~ Anything bigger, just ask! I'll probably go for it. That whole realm would weird him out
Anything else/any questons?: I love plotting and fight-logs and I'm familiar with DGM, so any conflicts (in or out of dreams) would be awesome :D Combat details can be found here~ and of particular interest to you would be the heading "Static Replica Traits."
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