Backtagging: Yes, yes, and HELL YES
Threadhopping: It's fine with me, but do not threadjack anything marked private~ ♥ If you do, then die ♥
Fourthwalling: While Rhode would think it's hilarious, please keep 4th walling to the minimum.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): So far, I haven't found anything that bothers me, but if you think it might
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Series: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Japansese) aka Ronin Warriors (English dub)
What is your character's deepest fears/weaknesses? That he, by way of his armor, will become a force of destruction and harm innocents, losing his virtue of Trust/Faith. On a more banal level, he dislikes eating fish with the heads still on and environmental threats to marine life. Let's see... being forced into succession of his family's business/lineage, which could include either his mother or sister dying.
Does your character have any close friends, family, love, etc?: Friends: Shuu Lei Fan (BFF), mother, sister Sayoko (10 yrs senior), brother-in-law-to-be Shizuka Ryuusuke, father (dead since he was 10); friends: Sanada Ryou, Date Seiji, Hashiba Touma, Yagyu Nasté, Yamano Jun
Any particular topic to stay clear of? OOCly I don't go for stuff like rape or hardcore torture (weak stomach), but that's pretty much it.
Level of Mindfuck/injure (Let's face it, Rhode doesn't know the meaning of moderation: See above. He's been injured before, died & returned, chained up by his arms in a basement, tricked by someone with similar illusionary powers, etc. so he'd put up a fight |D
Do you ever want them to be pulled into her Dream World? He totally could! He's had dream visions before.
Since controlling dream is pretty godmoddy, it is alright to mess with your character dreams? Granted, it will only be minor stuff like show past mistakes or making sweet dream into nightmares, but I don't want to step on any toes. Light stuff like that, go right ahead~ Anything bigger, just ask! I'll probably go for it.
Anything else/any questons?: I love plotting and fight-logs and I'm familiar with DGM, so any conflicts (in or out of dreams) would be awesome :D Combat details can be found here~
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