Backtagging: Yes, yes, and HELL YES
Threadhopping: It's fine with me, but do not threadjack anything marked private~ ♥ If you do, then die ♥
Fourthwalling: While Rhode would think it's hilarious, please keep 4th walling to the minimum.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): So far, I haven't found anything that bothers me, but if you think it might
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Series: Air Gear
What is character deepest fears/weaknesses? Being alone.
Does your character have any close friends, family, love, etc?: Apart from Agito, the person he is closest to in the community is Rapunzel.
Character Name: Wanijima Agito
Series: Air Gear
What is character deepest fears/weaknesses? Being unable to protect Akito/people he cares about.
Does your character have any close friends, family, love, etc?: Not in Vatheon, excluding Akito.
Any particular topic to stay clear of? No.
Level of Mindfuck/injury: As long as it doesn't cause permanent damage, it's fine. They're used to incredible amounts of pain, lol. ): Not sure about the level of mindfuck since ... their mind is like crazy weird.
Do you ever want them to be pulled into her Dream World? It would definitely depend on the situation.
Since controlling dream is pretty godmoddy, it is alright to mess with your character dreams? Ask first, please! Since their mind is very complex, and therefore their dreams are as well, and... yeah. Though I have an idea that might be really cool to try at some point! I'll IM you about it, eventually. :)
Anything else/any questons?: I typed up info about their shared consciousness over here that might be handy-dandy.
Sure, I'll look forward to that. Like I put in my post, this for future plotting purposes.
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