Backtagging: Yes, yes, and HELL YES
Threadhopping: It's fine with me, but do not threadjack anything marked private~ ♥ If you do, then die ♥
Fourthwalling: While Rhode would think it's hilarious, please keep 4th walling to the minimum.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): So far, I haven't found anything that bothers me, but if you think it might
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Character Name:
Yuu Kanda
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Moon (Currently season 1)
Fire Emblem 7
What is character deepest fears/weaknesses?
I guess you could say it's Alma, and only Alma, right now. Subject to change.
She fears losing her friends, via death or any other means. She also fears doing poorly in school, though not by an unreasonable amount. She's also got a severe allergic reaction to love letters.
Her greatest fear is losing everything she holds dear and being helpless to stop it. She fears being too weak to help.
Does your character have any close friends, family, love, etc?:
Alma and Lenalee are the only ones that really come to mind, though this is subject to change (even in the near future, lol.)
Usagi and Minako are the ones who matter in this game.
See the Fire Emblem cast.
Any particular topic to stay clear of?
Er... Pretty much just Alma, unless you wanna start some shit. If you do, let's plot. |3
She doesn't like talking about her own family, but everything else is free game.
Level ( ... )
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